The Three Lil' Piggies and a spotted wolf

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~Ah yes, more chappies to munch on when you're bored

~Pictures don't belong to me, like always ฅ(*ΦωΦ*) ฅ

~Characters will always belong to our magnificent Oda

~and Enjoy! d(=^・ω・^=)b


Your face was squished, your arms were numb, and your stomach felt like barfing due to the weight of a child. A pair of stubby arms were latched onto your left, along with another pair of stubby arms on your other. And near your head laid Luffy, with a waterfall of drool that dribbled down the side of your face.

You grimaced, not wanting to wake up the little "angels", but woke them up anyways in order to arrive to the daycare on time. With a soft shake and a huff, the 3 demon spawns were awoken from their slumber, and started babbling away to one another.

Luffy was happy to see his brothers, but Ace just fell back and went back to asleep, while Sabo just looked around at your cozy room. He crawled back over to Ace, gave a small toot, and fell face down onto the bed falling asleep again.

The little toot made you shake your head and chuckle in slight amusement. Before trudging yourself over to your closet, you felt 2 chubby arms wrap around your neck, a certain someone crashing into your back with a bubbly giggle.

"You seem happy for someone who just woke up at 5:30," you giggled, grabbing Luffy from your back to carry him with your arm. Luffy just responded with another obnoxious babble and started chanting, "oob! oob! oob!" all the while flailing his arms.

All Luffy seemed to know was food, food, and food. No baths, no amusement parks, no toys, just food. Speaking of toy, his seemed to be nowhere here, so you had no option, other than to be quick about changing and grab some food on your way to work.

Snatching some random clothes (y'all can choose, but nothing too fancy or anything), you picked up the other 2 and headed out to the kitchen where there were no baby chairs. You decided to move to the couch instead, putting on Spongebob for Luffy while you let the other 2 sleep some more, laying them down in a more comfortable position.

"You guys stay here, I'm going to go take a quick shower and come right back."

Once they were comfortable and distracted, you quickly exited the room quietly and went to do your thing.

~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~

"Alright, you guys are all buckled up and ready to go~," you chirped as you climbed into your driver's seat. "What do you guys think we should get for breakfast today? Or would you rather have something at the daycare?"

All three nodded at the word daycare, meaning they were okay with eating at the daycare for now (Luffy just drooled at the thought of food, so it didn't really matter). "I'll make sure to get you guys something from the cafe I usually go to for lunch, or maybe, I'll just take you there with pops or something if he picks you guys up today," you smiled, making a swift turn.

You pulled into the driveway of the daycare, noticing the never-before-seen car that happened to be parked right in front of the building. It was probably someone dropping off their kid, so you shrugged it off.

"You guys are probably going to have a new friend today, so be on your best behavior alright?" Unbuckling their seat belts, you carried one in each arm while another laid against your back. Luffy reached to help open the door while you used your foot to further open it. You thanked the little one and continued to carry them in, scanning the room to find the new visitor.

And you were right, there was a small child who only looked to be Luffy's age. He wore a big marshmallow like hat that had black spots splattered all over, a yellow hoodie that had brown tuffs lining the hood, and cute pants that matched his hat. Looking closely, you could see in his arms, a stuffed polar bear that sported an orange jumpsuit.

Carrying the latter was most likely his guardian/parent, but you noticed the resemblance wasn't really there. He had the hair of a blonde and skin paler than the child he held, but then again, the child could be mixed or had gotten a tan from a trip.

You shrugged it off and decided to greet them, Luffy already ahead of you on that. He waved his chubby little arms and started to babble nonsense to get the new visitors' attention. You gave him a small bonk on the head to quiet down, waving to the visitors with a small smile.

Having heard the chaos by the door, the visitors turned their heads to see a young woman carrying what looked to be 3 children. The smallest one was energetically waving and screaming over to them, whilst the other two were sleepily hanging on.

The blonde man smiled at the warming sight and waved over to the woman, suddenly tripping over nothing but air.

Sweat-dropping, you and the kids hurried over to help the man back up. "Thank you, I'm Donquixote Rosinante, sorry for that earlier."

You giggled and greeted him, "No problem, I'm Y/n, and these kids are Luffy," you pointed to the most enthusiastic kid sitting in your arms, "Ace," the one sleeping on your back, "and Sabo," who started to slap Ace's cheeks to wake him up and meet the new visitor.

Chuckling at the little one's, Rosinante tried to shake your hand, but was only greeted by Luffy's mouth.

He quickly pulled his hand away and gave a hearty laugh, "This one seems to be looking for a snack."

[Rosinante is a snack tho 😏]

"Ah well, these aren't my kids."


<|Author's Note|>

Hey hey, so I edited the "I'm back" chapter thingy, and your comments were removed in the process 😭

I'll post the "choose who you want in the next chapter" poll here again for those of you that answered ;-;




~Eustass Kid

~someone that hasn't been listed

~you guys can also choose to have past characters appear more in future chapters

I hope you guys liked the new chapter! Look out for more in the future :> I promise I'll try to get another update by next week.

With much love from Author Sensei, I will give my students what they want ♥️✨

My Little Demons (one piece x reader) Daycare styleWhere stories live. Discover now