Chapter 28

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I was laughing at Mattheo,
He snarled" I'm murdering you." Which only caused me to laugh more," Jasper!"
I laughed" Ye-Yeah?"
" Run."
" Nope!" I laughed, doubling over, Mattheo was covered in whipped cream and melted chocolate.
" I'm going to murder you."
" Uh-huh." He inhaled sharply, I walked to him and licked his neck, my eyes widening as I realized I could lick the cream and chocolate off.
" You just got an idea, didn't you?"
" Mmhmm."
" And it is?"
" Why don't I clean you up?"
" Nngh- What?" I smirked wickedly, his eyes wide, his mouth gaped," I- Oh, ye-yeah, definitely. Go ahead." He leaned against the counter, relaxing, I grinned and attacked his neck with licks and slight nips just to annoy him.

I heard my dad say" What the bloody hell did we walk into?" Papa just chuckled, I detached from Mattheo's neck, grinning at them.
I said" You're back early?!"
" Uh-huh."
" Well, you see... we thought we had enough time to clean!"
" What did you two get up to?"
" Mattheo was a target to whipped cream and melted chocolate and-and I licked it off him... mostly."
" Did he want to kill you?"
" Yes!"
" Did you make him forgive you?"
" Yes!" Mattheo was flushed, panting slightly as he came down from the feeling I gave him.
" Did you kill him?" I looked at Mattheo, smirking,
" Nope!"
" Ah, good. You'd never be able to find someone who could handle you."
" Ow!"
Mattheo said" He's not wrong."
" Bitch! Just for that, no way am I finishing what I started."
" Git!"
Papa said" Hell, boys, you can smell the sexual tension." Dad cackled,
Dad said" We're going out to the pub, clean this, and light a few candles, will you?" I smirked as Mattheo stared at me with a thick gulp," Don't kill him, Jasper."
I said" I know plenty of healing spells."
" Go get him, wolf."
Mattheo said" So, I'm going to assume no one is on my side."
Papa said" Don't let him kill you, Mattheo."
" Thank you."

Mattheo was staring me down as they walked out, then he pinned me to the wall with my arms above my head. A moan slipped past my lips, he smirked and acted like he was going to kiss me, then moved to my neck to bite down on the skin between my neck and collarbone, I moaned loudly. He licked the spot,
I said" Shit, shit, Matt-Mattheo..." I whined,
He said" So, what did you say about not finishing what you started?"
" I'll finish what I started! I'll finish what I started!" He laughed, I crashed my lips onto his, he groaned into my mouth, I easily pulled from his grip on my arms and pinned him to the wall." Do you forget that I'm a werewolf?" He grunted, and stared at me,
" Sometimes..." I grinned, showing off my sharper canines," Draw blood, I go into detail with Sirius." I smiled, and kissed him, he kissed back,
" Room?"
" Definitely." We rushed upstairs as fast as our feet would take us.

I heard dad yell" We're home!" I groaned and looked over to Mattheo, who chuckled at my annoyed face, then slowly pulled out of me. I whined, he shushed me and threw boxers and joggers at me.

Mattheo and I both limped down the stairs, grunting in slight pain. Dad cackled and looked at us with an arched eyebrow,
Papa said" You lit candles, good job." I groaned and covered my face,
Dad said" Bloody hell, boys! We were wild, but you two are bloody dangerous."
Mattheo snarled" He drew blood."
" Mmm, kinky." He laughed,
I said" I didn't mean to! You felt too good!" Dad doubled over laughing, I sighed,
Mattheo said" You didn't have to scratch, though."
" You scratched too!"
Papa said" Boys!" We both stopped and looked at him," Are you alright?"
I said" I don't think I can feel anything below my waist."
Mattheo said" Yeah, I'm alright. Revenge is necessary."
" I'm sorry!" He laughed," Hell, why can't you be this whiny during sex?"
" Room." I smirked,
" Silencing charm?" He just smirked back, and I walked ahead of him, he slapped my ass, I moaned and glared at him.
Sirius said" You two have burned each other with all that bloody fire you produce!"
We said" We're aware we're playing with fire!"

Mattheo slammed me onto the door as it shut, his lips on mine as our teeth clashed, bruising each other's lips. He silently casted a silencing charm, he slammed his hips against mine, I moaned and opened my mouth, he trailed down my neck, leaving brutal bruises.
I moaned" Shit, shit, Mattheo... oh, godrick-"
Mattheo said" Only moan my name."
" Possessive, much?" He rolled his hips into mine, I moaned," Maattheo..."
" That's what I thought."
" Fuck, please, fuck me..."
" Mmm, fuck you? Don't know maybe I'm craving your dick rearranging my guts?" I moaned and rutted my hips against his, he chuckled and kissed my neck sweetly, he smirked as he saw my fucked-out face, he chuckled." So, what do you want, love? Wanna fuck my brains out... or do you want me to fuck your brains out?" My pupils dilated,
I snarled" Both." I gripped his sides and threw him onto the bed, he laughed and looked at me," Ass. Now."
" Make me." I pounced onto him, straddling his stomach as I leaned down and kissed him. He kissed back and dug his fingers into my hair," Fuck, J..."

We both limped down into the kitchen, Mattheo grunted as he sat on a stool,
Dad said" You two need to be celibate." We laughed, he chuckled,
I said" Nah, that'd never last longer than a week."
Mattheo said" I'd say 4 days."
" Mm, true."
Papa said" Fish and chips for dinner."
" Yes!" He chuckled,
Mattheo said" You should try escargot, love."
" Wh-What's that?" He just chuckled, so did Papa and Dad," Really, what's it?"
Dad said" Well, Mattheo, go ahead."
Mattheo said" He'll hate me."
" Only for a couple minutes."
" It's snail."
I screamed" You ate snail?! What's wrong with you?!" They all laughed," How is that funny?! He ate a defenseless snail!"
Dad said" Tell him about caviar."
Mattheo said" No way!"
" Fish eggs."
I screamed" You eat babies!" They all laughed more," You are terrible!" He hugged me, kissing my cheek," Why would you eat babies?"
He said" B'cause... my love, not everyone is as strange as you." I smiled and kissed his chin," Better now?"
I mumbled" Yes." 

I was laughing as Dad told us a story of his time at Hogwarts,
I said" And you lot get pissy with us when we pull pranks?! You're pure hypocrites!"
Dad said" Well... can't be too pissy, can we?"
" No, you can't!"
Mattheo said" So-So you flooded the Slytherin common room with frog spawn soap?" He laughed,
Papa said" Yes, we did. Didn't get caught."
" Hell!"
" Oh, but teachers had their suspicions, given that we were the best pranksters that castle had seen in a while."
Dad said" Wasn't even the best prank we pulled. That was our 7th year salute! We're talking firecrackers, dungbombs, fanged frisbees... everything we could get our hands on." Mattheo and I laughed, shaking our heads," Left Hogwarts with a bang!"
" But of course, don't do as we did. We were foolish."
I said" Yeah, you're a bit too late for that, Papa."
" Yes, I'm aware it's a bit too late." I smirked and looked at Mattheo,
He said" Hell, the only reason we met was b'cause we caused something to explode." I grinned,
I said" It's fate, love. We do love playing with fire, after all." He grinned, and kissed me, I kissed back then pulled away, smiling at him.
" You're my fire."
" I know! But you're also my fire."
" Oh, I'm well aware what I am to you." He chuckled," Now... what're you going to get up to with my last year at Hogwarts..."
" Oh, darling... you'd love to know that, wouldn't you?" He smirked, arching an eyebrow, I grinned mischievously," You will know when it happens."
" Fantastic..."
" You love it."
" I love you, yes indeed."
" Good. I love you too."

The End

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