Chapter 8

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I was walking in the corridor, looking down at my book as I walked then I was yanked back. I gasped then saw Mattheo laughing at me,
I said" I hate you."
He said" Do you, though?" He smirked, lowering his head a bit,
" No. But you using that bracelet is the worst thing ever."
" I'm sorry, I don't care."
" Can I please go to class?" He undid it, I sighed," Thank you. See you later, yeah?"
" Yeah."

I said" So, should I tell him?" I was leaned over to Harry,
Harry said" Tell who what?"
" You know what."
" Oh. If you want to... I'd wait though."
" Wait? How long?"
" You should tell him if you're comfortable to tell him. Full moon's in a week, you still have one more here, but you'll have the next at home. It lands during break." Then we were whacked on the head, I grunted,
" Thank you, professor! Feels amazing to have a head injury." I looked at Snape, Harry just rubbed the back of his head, looking at me.
Snape said" Do you have anything else to add, Mr. Lupin." I knew he'd give me detention... I knew!
" Actually, I do! It's Lupin-Black. Two names, not one! Or-Or you could just call me Moon-Foot!"
" Detention."
" Yeah." He walked away, I looked at Harry, he holding back laughter, I smiled widely, he snorted,
" Detention, Mr. Potter."
He said" Yes, sir."

We walked out of detention, I was scratching my arms because my idiot spilled powder all over me.
I said" I hate you!" I squirmed, itching more,
He said" I really didn't mean to!"
" I know!" Then Mattheo walked around the corner,
" Oh, look, your boyfriend."
" Bite me." He bit my shoulder," Ow! Harry!" He ran, I chased after him, Mattheo grabbed both of our cloaks and looked at us.
He said" Do I want to know? And why is your arm red?"
" Dimwit, here, spilled powder all over me!"
" Detention?"
" I was sarcastic."
" To?"
" Snape." He chuckled,
" What'd he do?"
" He laughed."
" And got-"
Harry said" It was funny. Git-face, here, hates when people only call him by one of his names. So..."
" Detention, figured."
" Yeah!"
I said" You're the one who laughed, don't blame me for your sense of humor!" Then we started trying to wrestle each other, Mattheo sighed then kept walking dragging us behind him." Mattheo, help me!"
Mattheo said" Nope. Finish your brotherly squabble by yourself." 
" Ugh!" He chuckled, then let go of us and we slammed into each other, we both hit the ground, groaning.
Harry said" Truce?"
" Truce and get the 6th year." Harry looked at Mattheo,
" Sure." Mattheo took off, we jumped up and chased after him.

Mattheo said" Can you two act your age?!"
I said" No! We were raised..."
Harry said" By the most immature fathers!" We cornered Mattheo, he sighed and held out his wand,
He said" 5 galleons says my spells are better than yours." Harry gulped then took off,
" Sorry, brother! I know when to back off!" I laughed,
I said" Good thing I don't."
Mattheo said" You'd look incredibly hot with my hand around your neck." I gasped, my wand dropped from my hand, my mouth opened." Close your mouth before I put it to good use."
" I hate you and your words." He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing my cheek. He picked up my wand and put it back in my pocket.
" I use that to my advantage." He nipped my ear and kept walking, dragging me with him.
" I- Uh, shit..."

I was bored with my friend's conversation,
Harry said" He's not listening, Hermione."
Hermione said" Oh, I know. But he'll eventually zone back in and be confused if I stopped talking."
I said" Huh?"
" See."
Harry said" Whatcha thinking about, Jasper?"
I said" Mattheo..." They laughed,
" You know, with the amount of embarrassing stories I've heard from your parents and mine, I'd think you'd have a bit more courage."
" Oh, what?!"
" I mean, Padfoot was an all-time flirt, guess you're not as much like him after all if you let Mattheo fluster you."
" Do you want to die?"
" But then again- Oh, wait, Moony is just as bad as Padfoot sometimes. So, where'd you get the shyness from?" Fire ignited in my eyes," This should be fun." I walked over to the Slytherin table.

I draped my body over Mattheo's,
He said" What're you doing, love?" I ignored his words and ghosted my lips across his neck," Jasper, who egged you on?" Then I nipped his ear, he grunted, then turned his face to me, arching his eyebrow and smirking slightly." You regret that yet?" I gave him my best shit-eating grin, he laughed dryly, then bit his lip." You do realize that I can outrun you, meaning I can catch you before you even have a chance to hide."
I said" You liked it!" My grin just got bigger as I saw his cheeks tint pink, I kissed his jawline then ran back to the Gryffindor table.

I sat next to Harry,
I said" Just so we're clear... I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" Harry was laughing, so was Ron, and Hermione was trying to hide her giggle.
Harry said" Have fun?"
" Fun?! He's gonna say words and get me so flustered that I won't remember how to speak!" He laughed more," I need the cloak! I need to hide forever! Until break, at least. Why'd you have to go and egg me on, huh?"
" Because you needed a confidence boost, brother. And you just flustered Mattheo, meaning you feel so proud right about now."
" You're not wrong!" He pat my shoulder,
" Just don't get caught alone with him."
" How? I- Agh!" I dropped my head into my hands,
Ron said" Oh, by the way, he's staring at you."
" Not making it better, Ronald."
" Okay."
Hermione said" So, did you think about it?"
I said" Think about what?"
" Letting him in."
" Oh... I don't know yet, I'm slightly scared, you know... I really fancy him, guys, and I don't know what'll happen if I'm rejected because of my... monthly pain. I've never been rejected because of it."
Harry said" Well, if he does... I'll kill him." I laughed,
" Thanks, idiot." He smiled,
" Not a problem, git." He ruffled my hair, I snarled and tried to bite his hand, he laughed.

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