Chapter 4

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I was staring... blatantly... at Mattheo from across the courtyard, he was sitting in a tree, laughing with his friends.
Fred said" You know you're staring, right, mate?" I hummed,
George said" Do you not care how creepy you look?" I hummed again, then my chin was grabbed and I was forced to look at George.
I said" Hey, Georgie! Freddie!"
Fred said" You were just- But- Bloody hell, man, do you have no dignity?"
" Not at all, mate."
George said" Riddle doesn't either, it seems." He glanced to the boy," Staring at us too."
" Can you let go of me, now?"
Fred said" No! We're here for business, my friend! We need to the map."
" Why?" George leaned closer,
He said" To sell it, idiot, we need it to pull off a prank."
" Well, no reason to be rude!"
Fred said" Hand it over!" He tried to intimidate me, I rolled my eyes.
" Fine, fine!" I pulled it out of my waistband and handed it to him," I want it back! Papa can't know I have it, yeah?"
They said" Of course!" Then they were off, I laughed, Mattheo walked over,
He said" What was that about?" 
I said" Wouldn't you like to know." He scoffed and got in front of me, making me look up at him. Height difference. Bloody hell.
" Wouldn't you like to know why I was staring at you, hm?"
" Yeah!"
" Not happening." He walked away, I followed him,
" Come on, Mattheo. Do you like me?"
" You wish, little thing."
" Only a few inches taller than me, you know!"
" Mmhm." I huffed, he smirked,
" You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
" Just a little." My mouth dropped, and I froze," Bye, Jasper." He walked away from me.

I said" He annoys me!"
Hermione said" Then why do you fancy him?"
" Because, Harry-"
Harry said" Because he is just like his dad! Moony annoyed the hell out of him in school, they fell even more in love."
Ron said" This is amusing."
" Definitely." I slapped them both upside the head as Hermione giggled," Ow."
" Ow."
I said" You deserve it! You two are such gits." Harry pulled me to him, I landed on his lap, he hugged me, I sighed but hugged him back.
I was half on top of Harry in the great hall, mostly out of comfort, had a horrid nightmare last night.
He said" Feel better yet?" I shook my head, then nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck, he rubbed my back." Well, need you to eat, yeah?" I shook my head again, he sighed,
Ginny said" What happened?"
" He had a nightmare, woke us all up with his screams."
Hermione said" Did he tell you what it was about?"
" Him killing us." I flinched hard, whimpering," Sorry, JJ."
Ron said" This should make him feel a bit better. Mattheo's staring at you, Jasper." I wanted to care, I wanted to look, but I just couldn't bring myself out.
" Jasper, you've got to eat, yeah? We've only got a little longer till we have to head to class."
I mumbled" No." He sighed,
" How about toast with jam?" I perked up at the mention of my favorite breakfast ever." Yeah?" He began making me the toast, I slowly sat up but kept my head down. Soon, the toast with strawberry jam was in my eye-line, I took it and began eating it. He began playing with my hair, calming me down further, I slowly ate the toast.

I was walking to my next class alone, then Mattheo was next to me,
He said" Why were you all snuggled up with Potter this morning?"
I said" No reason." I kept walking,
" Is he your boyfriend?" I froze then looked at him, an amused smile playing at my lips.
" Why do you want to know?"
" Because- Because I do."
" He's not, he's practically my brother, even remotely thinking of him romantically makes me want to puke." He chuckled,
" Then what were you doing snuggled up to him?"
" I had a nightmare, he's one of the few people that I need. He gives me comfort. I've got to go." I rushed off, I felt his eyes on me till I turned the next corner.

I was chasing a niffler who knicked my watch, I jumped at it and it dodged me, I landed on the ground. I huffed then stared at it,
I said" Get back here!" I heard my friends laughing at me," Hagrid, you're gonna have one less rodent! I need that, niffler! Give it back!" I got up and chased after it again, then I finally caught it, holding it upside down." Give me the watch for a coin." It dropped the watch, I caught it then handed it a coin," Stop stealing my things for a chocolate coin! I'd just give ya one if you asked." I put her down, sighing, then walked back to my friends and Hagrid.
Hagrid said" She likes you."
" Well, I'd like having my things for once, Hagrid." He chuckled, Hermione began wiping dirt off my face," Hey!" She shushed me, I shut up and let her clean my face." So, Mattheo was jealous of Harry this morning."
She laughed" What?"
" Yeah!"
Ron said" Of Harry? Your brother?"
" Mmhm!"
Harry said" How sarcastic were you?"
" Very."
" Good job." He ruffled my hair then gulped as I glared at him," I will do it again, so help me." I stopped glaring at him and rolled my eyes,
" You annoy me, Potter."
" I know, Lupin-Black."
" Good."

I was staring at the moon,
Harry said" You all right, Jasper?"
I said" Just scared." He sighed,
" Nothing to be scared about, JJ. I'm gonna be there with you, and if you want, I can get George and Fred to come along with me."
" What if-"
" Stop. You'll overthink it, JJ. We've done this before, and it's been fine, every single time."
" Yeah, yeah, you're right. Like always." I sighed,
" Yeah, I am."
" Shut up, git."
" Look, don't worry about the moon, you've got plenty of time."
" I know, I know, but still it's worrying. Do you think my papa worried like this when he was my age?"
" Probably, yeah. But you know what?"
" What?"
" He had his friends, just like you have us." He nudged my shoulder with his, I laughed,
" Yeah, definitely!" He laughed," But they were nice to him!"
" Hey! We're nice to you, you're the git to us." I smirked,
" Not wrong, but still."
" Whatever you say, Jasper."

I was eating like crazy, Hermione and Harry were watching me in disgust.
I said" Stop staring."
Hermione said" Then eat civil."
" No." I stuffed a piece of chicken into my mouth,
Harry said" He's so strange."
" Bite me." He bit my arm, I huffed, and shot him a glare as he laughed, I rolled my eyes.
" Don't roll your eyes at me, git. I'm older than you."
" Only by a few months!"
" Still older."
" Hermione and Ron are older than you!" I smirked as his mouth gaped, not realizing I had a comeback for it. Hermione and Ron started laughing at Harry, he pat my back and began eating silently.
Ron said" One point for JJ, then, Harry?"
Harry grumbled" Gits." We started laughing more, I smiled at him and pet his hair, he pushed my hand away," Not the dog, hm?"
I said" Damn you." He laughed, I rolled my eyes, then began eating normally to appease Hermione and Harry.

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