My problem with vegans

Start from the beginning

They compare animal suffering to human suffering

Another issue which is a big issue here is that they compare animal suffering to human suffering like you got people like PETA who compared slaughterhouses, factory farms, zoos, aquariums, and so on to the Holocaust from World War 2 and try to make it seem like their the same. Like bro what? They are not the same here this is the type of stuff where vegans don't see the difference one's an animal and the other is human. Those are some weak ass arguments because comparing animals to the Holocaust is basically saying that me stepping on a fly is the equivalent of stabbing a random person. Like how is that even comparable? It's fine to make arguments on why people should be vegan but to compare animal and human suffering is very stupid because animals have not been in the same shoes humans have because humans have been through worst MUCH worst. Like when's the last time a group of pigs have through a situation when they are being shot at by a school shooter? When is the last time cows have died marching alongside Martin Luther King Jr in the civil rights movement? You guys now where I'm going with this. Human suffering is no where near comparable to to animal suffering.

Feeding pets vegan pet food

Another issue I have with vegans is that they force their pets vegan food, mores specifically cats and dogs. And yes I say forced. Vegans are so insane that many of them are willing to go as far as to change their own pets diet, they try to make it seem like vegan dogs and vegan cats exists but the truth is they don't exists it's just cats and dogs forced to eat a vegan diet against their will, which is pretty hypocritical considering that their against animal abuse yet it's considered animal cruelty to force a cat or dog on a vegan diet they think that it's healthy for them but cats and dogs are omnivores and carnivores meaning that both need meat in their diet dogs may survive on a vegan diet but they don't live a healthy life as they can't digest it very well the way they do it with meat as as an omnivore dogs need mostly meat in their diet because they're digestive works exactly like a wolf's. Now I now there's going to be some vegans who are gonna say that one of the oldest dogs in the world is 25 years old and he's vegan however I found another dog who is 30 years old and that dog isn't even vegan. It doesn't matter how much vitamins they get dogs can't live a healthy life on a vegan diet as long as you don't include meat in their diet. And cats especially cannot live a healthy life on a vegan diet as cats are carnivores meaning they only eat meat and not plants. Many vegan pet owners face massive backlash because of what their giving their pet.

Vegans claim that a vet approved of their diet and claim their healthy but not only do they show zero evidence but many vets have warned people that a vegan diet for a cat and a dog is dangerous for them of feeding a cat and dog a vegan diet

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Vegans claim that a vet approved of their diet and claim their healthy but not only do they show zero evidence but many vets have warned people that a vegan diet for a cat and a dog is dangerous for them of feeding a cat and dog a vegan diet.

Vegans claim that a vet approved of their diet and claim their healthy but not only do they show zero evidence but many vets have warned people that a vegan diet for a cat and a dog is dangerous for them of feeding a cat and dog a vegan diet

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