I don't know how he does this to me so easily. "I bet you say that to all the girls." I tease.

I look into his green eyes. "Just you." I shake my head while looking at the sunset.

We sit there in silence for a moment. It was really nice. "Do you miss England?" Owen randomly asked.

I think for a minute about it. I've been so busy with everything, I haven't thought much about it.

"A little bit. Bradford isn't one of the safest places to live, but it was home." I speak to him.

After all this time, I realize I've never really talked about my life in England but it was nice.

"What about your parents?" He asked as I took a deep breath. I miss them like crazy.

I nod my head. "I miss them like crazy. But I know they're supporting me like crazy back home."

I can tell he's genuinely listening. "What about your siblings?" He asked.

"I'm an only child. But it doesn't feel that way knowing I grew up with Andrew and Mason." Those two are like my older brothers.

They never fail to make fun of me or laugh at me. But I know that they'll protect me.

I look over towards him. "What about you? Do you miss your parents and Oklahoma?" I ask him.

He nods his head towards me. "Of course. I miss them everyday. But I like it here." He shrugged.

I would have to agree with him. I miss my family back home. But I really do enjoy it here.

There's so much here to do. And plus all of my mates are here, it's a weird feeling.

It's funny how most of my mates are from different parts of the world.

Me, Andrew, and Mason are from England. Charlie is from Canada, Owen is originally from Denver but lived in Germany.

Dani is from here so I think that's pretty dope. And there's Jeremy from Idaho.

As the sun went down, people were starting to come out of the water.

People were starting to come with flashlights. It didn't feel like a date honestly.

It felt like we were just hanging out. But it was nice. We just sat there and talked to each other.

It did get a little chilly whenever the sun went fully down. We laid down so we could try to look at the stars.

"You know, I've really enjoyed this date." I speak up. I look over towards him.

The moonlight was shining on his face. "I have too." He smiled to himself.

He turned over to me, but I kept looking over towards him.

"I'm assuming that since you said yes, you think I'm hot." He cockily told me. I roll my eyes towards him.

"I think that's just your ego talking." He started laughing towards me. I loved his laugh. I especially loved making him laugh.

He was giving me the same look he did whenever we almost kissed.

He looked down from my eyes to my lips. I could see him wet his lips as I look back up at his eyes.

I shivered a little bit as we stared at each other. "You cold?" He asked causing me to shake my head.

I know Dani's trick might work, but I didn't want to take it, just in case he didn't want to give it to me.

"You're a damn liar." He sat up, taking his hoodie off, revealing he had a shirt on underneath.

He gave it me as I sat up. "Are you sure about this?" I look up at him as he nodded.

"Of course, Sam. I have plenty." I smile to myself as I put it on. It smelt like a mixture of vanilla and cologne.

He smiled at me as he laid back down. "I knew it would look good on you." He flirted. It was a little big on me but I liked it.

I laid back down next to him, our shoulders touching. I could feel his hand inch closer towards mine, and then he laced our fingers towards mine.

We look back towards each other, giving each other the same look as before.

I was looking in between his eyes and his lips. We started inching closer, our lips almost touching.

Right before our lips actually touched, there was a squeal from a little kid that made us both jump.

Of course there was another interruption. I sigh as I look up at the sky again.

All I can think about is our almost kiss.

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