🫀kiss and make up🫀

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"Minho....?" Jisung was now also on the verge of tears, his eyes wide opened as he heard his nickname.

Minho released his hands from the metal chains and pulled him into a hug, practically crying on his shoulder.

"My flower.." he sobbed out.

"You actually remembered? Oh baby" he held him even tighter, trying not to cry as well but he was making this hard.

"I-it was too much at the same t-time, but I remember most of it...I'm sorry I couldn't remember more I-" Jisung grabbed a hold of his hair and crashed their lips together with no hesitation. Minho melted to the touch like he never had before, it was so tender and sweet, only making him cry even more.

"Do you understand what this means?" Jisung smiled widely at him, placing his hands around his shoulder.

"That I'm horrible for not remembering all..."

"No, it means you can get your memories back...all of them" the younger one was filled with hope after so long without it.

"Are you sure..?"

"I know you can...now shut up and kiss me" he pulled him by the shirt this time, kissing him like it was like last thing he could do, moaning and bitting his lip just to show him how much he missed this. Nothing else mattered right now. Nothing else could possible compare after all.

He had his flower back.


Their lips were swollen from all the bitting and agressive kisses they went through. They were now sat down on the couch and Minho was ready to explain what he could recall.

"The last thing I remember was us being dragged apart...we were in the red room and I tried to save you-" his breath hitched, tears falling down his face.

"It's okay... you did everything you possibly could"

"No, it's not okay! It's so confused because I know this was a long time ago...I'm not wrong am I?"

"It was about four months ago, but never hold yourself guilty for this, it's all over now" he sat on his lap and rested his head on his shoulder, their warmth mixing together, only creating more comfort for the both of them.

"I want my memories back, all of them, but where do we go from here?"

"To a place I never wanted to step foot in again...that god Damn house..." he clenched his fists together, thinking back on it. He knew that if they went there he'd remember it all, but was this really worth it? It was the place he got raped, abused and neglected for far too long. If Minho didn't get there in time, who knew what could of happened. He could be dead, crushed by the rocks under his high window or even manipulated to the point of surrendering his body and soul.

He still blamed himself for finding confort in valdis's arms, for finally having something good and enjoying it, but it was his sin. He's never spoken to Minho about this, how guilty he was to moan, even if it was just a small one at the ends of pure evil.

Pleasure. In this dark void he was into, he managed to find pleasure and he couldn't accept that fact, he didn't want to.

"I have a feeling this is going to be a long night then..."

"It sure will..."


They were standing in front of it, that god forsaken house, the one that haunted his mind ever since he left.

"How about a game...?"

"I don't really think it's time for a game Jisung..."

"Trust me on this one, I'll go inside the house and you need to find me, just like you did last time" he held out his hand and the older took it and it only took a glance at each other to know that this needed to be done.

skin and bones | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now