🫀lost my mind🫀

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Jisung walked to the main area of the house and was greeted by Jeongin and seungmin in the living room smiling widely at him.

"Hey, we figured we'd pay you a visit" the younger one of the bunch got up to hug him, the other one doing the same. Chan sat back on the couch and looked at them from far away, trying to see if jisung was still good, but the real reason he was looking was because of the boy next to him.

His fox-like eyes and his beautiful smile, the leader couldn't keep his eyes off of him.

"C-could you come over more often..?" Jisung asked hesitantly, he didn't want to be a bother after all, but they looked at him strangely.

"Of course we will, no doubt about it" Jeongin answered.

"Hey you look pale, how about we watch a movie or something? It's pretty calm, and you can bring your boyfriend too" he winked at him, making him nod a bit.

"You guys can pick the movie, I'll go and get him" he headed off to get Minho.

"Where's your bathroom?" Seungmin asked Chan on the couch close by, making him snap out of his daydreaming.

"Yeah it's around the corner on the left"

"Thanks" and with that he left as well, leaving two of them behind, that being Chan and
Jeongin. The younger one walked over to the couch to get comfortable for the movie, the older one tensing as he didn't know what to say or do.

Luckily for him the other one was full of charm.

"Are you watching the movie with us?"

"I don't know, wouldn't want to intrude" Chan mumbled.

"Im sure you'll fit right in, don't worry. Jisung told me you're single?" He smirked as the older began to turn red, brushing it off.

"I am."

"Doesn't it get lonely here then?" He sat a bit closer to him, not once leaving his eyes.

"All the time, but I guess I sort of got used to it over the years" he brushed his platinum blond hair back with his fingers as a nervous habit.

"Can I ask why? Because I don't really get how someone as hot as you can be single" he said in pure honesty, not even looking ashamed of it.

"I guess nobody's been interested in me before, so I never got the chance" he couldn't look him in the eyes, it was way too much and he was already having trouble speaking normally.

"Are you sure about that?" Jeongin smiled, tilting his head to the side.

"I'm pretty sure...how old are you kid?"

"18, why the sudden question?"

"Just for...futur references" they both smirked while Minho and jisung walked back with their dog as well. Everyone sat down on the couch, seungmin coming back from the bathroom did the same. They managed to pick a movie, but Jisung was too busy cuddling onto his lover to really focus on what his friends were arguing about.

"Are you sure about this one Jisung? It's really scary..." his friend asked concerned after all the events that took place, traumatizing him even more was the last thing they wanted to do.

"I've seen worst, don't worry" he snuggled on Minho's chest and they began the movie.

It was going well really, Jisung was actually the one that screamed less to any of the jump scare, the couple almost had no reaction.

"How are you not freaking out?!"

"We've seen worst" they both answered at the same time. Seungmin sighed as he tried to hold in his emotions and Jeongin just let every scream out, chan jumping off the couch everytime their was a noise.

skin and bones | minsungHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin