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Rachel's POV
I arrive back home and I see Freya waiting in the front door.

Freya: Bayou? Really? Couldn't you go somewhere further? You have to keep practicing on how to control your powers. One moment of weakness and something terrible might happen.

Rachel: I'm sorry Freya but I wanted to see Damien. And thank him. He helped me control my powers.

Freya: I know he was always here to calm you when you got crazy but this, you running away, has to stop. Now go. Your mom will show you how to use your vampire abilities.

I walk upstairs and I see my mom in my room.

Rachel: Hi mom.

Katnice: Hey Rach. I heard you were at Bayou?

Rachel: Yeah..

Katnice :Well I say that it's good once in a while to get away.

She smiles and I smile back.

Katnice : Now. Let's see your powers. Today you'll use your strength and compulsion. We'll go into the woods tomorrow for your speed. Now hit me.

Rachel :No.

Katnice : Cmon I'll heal.

Rachel: Fine...

I punch her and I throw her on the air. When she falls down I put my hand over my mouth.

Katnice : Well that was something different that I expected

Rachel:Told ya

Katnice: Let's start with compulsion. Come.

We get out of the house and start walking in the streets.

Rachel : How does compulsion work?

Katnice : You just focus in your victim 's eyes and you order them. For example...

We turn in an alley and we find a woman walking. My mom puts her against the wall and holds her.

Katnice :Don't scream. Now, compel her to forget.

Rachel :How?

Katnice :Just... Focus.

I look the girl in her eyes. She looks frightened. I take a deep breath and look at her focused.

Rachel : Forget what just happened and walk away.

My mom let's her go and the woman starts walking away.

Katnice : Not bad.

Suddenly the woman starts running and calling for help.

Katnice : Bad.

My mom with her vampire speed grabs the woman and compels her to forget. Then she turns to look at me who I have my hand in my hair and bite my lip.

Katnice : It's OK. It was your first time.

Rachel : When did you learn how to compel others?

Katnice : Well, when I turned into a vampire, I turned my humanity off so I didn't care for anything. The first time I tried to compel someone I did it because I wasn't thinking of it. I just did it.

I nod and I start walking back home disappointed.

When I arrive in the front door I see Damien waiting.

Rachel: Hey Damien. What are you doing here?

Damien: I came to see you. Wanna go for a walk?

Rachel: Sure.

Katnice : Haang on young lady. Go first eat something. And I think you know what I mean. I don't want you to start killing people.

I run in the house, grab a bag with blood and drink it fast. When I get back outside I see my mom and Damien talking but when they see me they stop.

Rachel: Let's go.

We walk in the streets of New Orleans

Damien: How is your vampire practice going?

Rachel : It's awful. When I hit my mom she actually flied. And when I compelled a woman, actually when I thought I compelled a woman she started running and yelling.

Damien: Well you'll learn.

Rachel : What if I can't learn? I shouldn't have turned into a vampire.

Damien: No. It was meant to happen that way. You couldn't change that.

I look at him and then I look around. I see a student walking.

Rachel:I'll prove you that I suck at being a vampire.

I walk towards the student and I grab him.

Student: Hey.

I look at him in the eyes.

Rachel: Go get me a drink from Rousseau's.

I turn around and I look at Damien.

Rachel: See? It didn't work.

Damien: Actually...

He points behind me and I see the student walking towards Rousseau's. After a while he gets out with a glass in his hands. I tilt my head to the side and out on my face a confused look. They student hands me the glass and walks away.

Rachel: Huh. It worked.

Damien: Allow me to say, told ya.

Rachel:I guess I have chances.

Damien:Of course you have chances. Now let's get you back home because your mom is going to kill me.

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