Another's POV

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Rachel's POV
I'm in the WCKD's facilities with my mom and Teresa and we're looking at people bringing kids inside.

Ava:You made the right choice girls.

I lower my head but a voice makes me raise it again.

Man: Dr. Paige. We lost a wagon.

Ava:What? You lost an entire wagon?

Man:They were some kids. They attacked us. They were too many.

Ava rolls her eyes.

Ava:Bring whoever is left.

Thomas's POV
We are in our shelter with the kids from the wagon. Aris was one of them. He's hurt.

Thomas:What happened?

Aris :I fought back. Tried to anyway.

Newt:Any idea where they were taking you?

Aris:All I know is they kept talking about a city

Frypan :I don't think there are any cities left.

Brenda:That's because there aren't. Not still standing anyway.

Thomas:Ok. Wait. What about Minho? Why wasn't he on the train?

Aris:I'm sorry Thomas. He was. On another wagon.


We look on a map and based on the railways and what Aris told us we find the city.

Thomas:It's a few hundred miles. That's gotta be where they're headed. That's where they're taking Minho. We take everyone who can fight. Follow the roads where we can. We can make it back within a week.

Vince:A week? It took us six months to get here. We got over 100 kids here now. We can't just hang out here forever after what we just pulled. You wanna wander off to some random point on the map. You don't even know what's there.

Jorge:I do. It's been a few years but I've been there. The Last City. That's what WCKD called it. It was their whole base of operations. If that city is still standing,thats the last place you wanna go. That's the lion's den.

Newt: It's nothing we haven't done before.

Vince: Yeah, with months of planning, and reliable information, the element of surprise, none of which we have now.

Thomas :Vince, we've thought this through.

Vince:The last time we went off half-cocked I lost everyrhing. You remember that? Look I know it's Minho. All right? But you can't ask me to put those kids on the line for one man. I won't do it.

Suddenly we hear voices from the radio. Men searching. We run and close the light. Then we head outside. We see two aircrafts flying.

Vince:Jeez they're getting close.

Thomas:You're right. We can't stay here.


The same night I grab a bag and some stuff and walk outside to leave. Everyone is sleeping. Maybe not.

???:Where you think you're going then?

He opens a light and I see his face.

Thomas :Newt...

Newt:Dont be a twat about it. I'm already in. Come on

He grabs my bag and walks towards the car.

Thomas :No. Not this time. Look, even if we find Minho, there's no guarantee we make it back from this.

Newt: We'll you'll need all the help you can get then won't you?

He opens the driver's door of the car and I see Frypan sitting. I scoff.

Newt:Well we started this together. May as well end it that way too.

Thomas:Okay. Let's go get him back.

Rachel's POV
I'm in a room with my mom and through a glass we see Minho. He's seeing dreams or nightmares. But i can see he's suffering.

Doctor: We have progress.


Then she leaves the room and I follow.

Ava:Go get dressed up dear. We have a mating later.

I nod and I leave.

Thomas's POV
It's morning. Frypan drives the car and we stop right before a tunnel.

Newt:If I was a crank, that's where I'd be.

We rive in the tunnel checking the okace for cranks. Suddenly we see a crank in front of us.

Thomas :Ok relax. Drcie slowly past it.

I turn my head and I see a crank. Then another. And another!

Newt:Drive drive!

The engine revs and then the car starts moving.

Thomas :Fry watch out!

The wheel steps on something and the car flips. We get out and we see the cranks running. We start running too but we see cranks on the other way.

Newt:What do we do now?

Then a car appears. In it there's Brenda and Jorge.

Brenda:Hurry! Get in.

We get in the car and Jorge starts driving. We get out of the tunnel and Brenda turns to face us.

Thomas:I'm sorry. I didn't want to bring you guys into this.

Frypan:I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us.

Brenda:You're welcome.

Jorge: Hey, don't get your hopes up. That checkpoint back there,that was the city's last defense. If that was overrun changes are the city is too.

Newt:Yeah, unless they found another way to keep the cranks out.

Jorge stops the car and we get out. We look at the city. Around a huge wall.

Newt:Spent three years trying to break out and now we're gonna break back in.

Frypan:Yeah. It's hilarious.

Thomas:Jige, how do we get in?

Jorge:I don't know. These walls are new.

Brenda: Well we ain't gonna figure it out from up here.

The others get back in the car
Newt:You really think he's in there?

Thomas:I guess we'll find out.

Newt:Don't forget, they're gonna be in there too.

We get in the car and drive down the hill.

We arrive outside the walls. We see a car with people on it yelling. We walk closer to the walls. People with masks are checking on us. We look at the walls.

Newt:We have to go. I have a bad feeling about this.

We look again at the people with the masks. They're walking closer to us. Suddenly we hear something from the walls. We see somethings like guns. Then they start shooting. We start running and we hide. The people with the masks find us, they grab us and put us in the van.

Rachel's POV
I'm in the meeting room. My mom is talking to three people about the cure. On a screen she shows a picture of Minho who has shown signs of immune.

Ava:Rachel. Can you get outside for a while?

I nod and I walk outside. After a while a man comes.

Man:Ms Paige, it's time for your pill.

He gives me the pill and I drink it. For some reason I feel frightened but I don't know why.

Always and Forever [Book 3]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz