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Rachel's POV
I am in the hallways of WCKD. I stand outside a door and I nod to a guard. I get inside a room and I see Minho sitting on a chair.

Rachel:Minho. Can you hear me? There's a little girl here. She's been infected for three weeks now. But you can save her. And you can save many others. Everything we're doing here, it's working. Do you understand? That's why this is so important.

I stand up to leave.


I turn around to face him. He looks at me. I walk closer to him.

Rachel :Minho?

Minho:You're a traitor!

Suddenly he grabs me from the neck and puts me on the table. Guards come in and grab him.

Minho :Get off me! I'll kill you! You traitor! We trusted you.

I get outside and stand against a wall letting a tear to fall.


I walk in the city amongst the people. All I can think is what is going to happen to Minho. I know we're trying to find a cure but he's my friend. He's like family to me. I look on the ground and take out of my pocket a pill. I look up again and then in front of me, I see Thomas. I put the pill in my pocket again and I follow him. Then he turns around to leave. I follow and I lose him. Then I see Newt. I run to get closer. He turns Right. I turn too.

Rachel: Newt?

I turn around and then I see Thomas standing.

Thomas:Hey Rachel

And then everything gets dark.


I walk in a place unknown with something on my head. I hear my breathing and my footsteps. I hear familiar voices around me. They put me to sit on a chair and then they take that thing of my head. I look around panicked. My eyes fall on Frypan, Newt, Thomas and....

Rachel: Gally?!

Gally:Here's how this is gonna go. We're gonna ask you some questions and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know.

I look at my hands. They have ropes around them.

Rachel :Why am I tied up?

Gally:I make the questions here. We'll start off simple. Where's Minho?

Rachel:You guys seriously think..

Gally takes a chair and sits in front of me.

Gally:Don't look at them. Look at me. They're not gonna help you. We know you have Minho in the building. Where?

Rachel:Sorry I can't tell you. It's one of my mom's rules

Gally: Oh right. Ava Paige is your mom. And you have faith in her.

Rachel:She's my family.

Gally:Answer the question.


He scoffs.

Gally: Take her.

Two men grab me and put me in a room. They lock the door and I stay alone in the room. I put my hand in my pocket to try to find the pill. But it's not there.

Rachel :No.. No, no

I sit on the ground with my head in between my knees. After a while two men walk in again, grab me and put me again on the chair.

Gally:Ok, we'll try this again.

I roll my eyes.

Gally :Where is Minho?

Rachel :I told you. I can't tell -

Suddenly something happens in my head. I remember the time I stood with my mom when I was a little girl but she suddenly becomes a shadow. The other memory with me and Teresa in a car. She becomes a shadow too.

Rachel:I need some fresh air.

Gally:Yeah right.


My breathing gets harder. I try to take deep breaths but I can't.


Gally:Fine, take her outside.

The two men grab me. They untie my hands and take me outside. I put my hands on the ground trying to breath. I start coughing. I put my hand on my mouth and I see blood. I keep coughing. Blood comes out of me but it's not only red. It has also a white colour in it. The same colour the pills had. Suddenly my eyes hurt. I get up feeling dizzy. I look on the horizon and then I let out a loud scream. Everyone falls on the ground holding their ears. After I stop screaming I fall down too with my eyes wide open looking at the blue sky.

Thomas's POV
Newt: What the hell?

I touch my ear and I see blood.

Thomas :Come on. Let's take her inside.

We put Rachel on a bed. A doctor comes in. With a little flashlight he puts light on her eyes. But they're not blinking. They're not moving. She looks like she's lost in somewhere.


It's been two days. We still don't know what to do. Rachel's condition stays the same.

Rachel's POV
I walk in a forest. I see a little girl who looks like me. She turns around and sees a boy.

??? :Who are you?

Rachel: I'm Rachel.

??? :Last name?

Rachel:First name?

He laughs.

??? :Damien

Rachel:And I'm Rachel Mikaelson McCall

Damien:Mikaelson huh?

Rachel:Yeah. So.. Why are you here all alone? Where is your family?

Damien:Why are you here all alone?

Rachel:Okay. At one point we have to stop making questions and start answering.

Damien:Fine. You have a very bossy attitude for a five year old girl.

Rachel :First I'm not five, I'm seven and secondly who are you to judge my character?

Damien:I'm Damien.

??? :Rachel!?

Damien:It looks like your family is looking for you.

Rachel:Yeah I have to go back.

??? :Rachel where are you?

Rachel :Coming mom!

A woman appears and the boy is gone.

Katnice :Rachel what are you doing here?

Rachel :I met a boy mom. I saw him here.

Katnice :A boy?


Katnice :Let's go back.

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