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Of course a perfect time for a memory as I plummeted to my death...
"Ugh!I just can't do it Camilo!"You whine, it was when you were learning with Camilo on how to read, he gently put his hand on your shoulder,"Yes you can Y/n, now say it with me..."

Another memory...

"Hey Y/n look! It's your favorite flower right? Hyacinth right?"Camilo points them out, your eyes light up at the sight of the purple flowers blooming in the little garden bed,"Oh!They're so pretty!" "Just like you."You blush.

Another one...

"Y/n, you know I love you?"Camilo and you were in bed, both shirtless(It was hot out)"I do now..."You rolled over to face him, giving him a kiss on the cheek and snuggling into his warm chest...

You snapped back to reality as you saw the ground come up to close.
Your legs snapped like carrots on impact, pain flooded through your body as your nerves felt like they were light on fire, you could hear Mirabel's screams and your body crumples into the soft grass, you watched blood pool out of your broken open legs,This is what death feels like.....this hurts.You flutter your eyes shut.

You jolted up, sweating and a stray tear running down your cheek, What the hell? You asked, that was a weird dream, ugh I should stop reading so much wattpad before bed...With a stretch and yawn you snuggle back into your covers and fall back asleep the last bits of dream wash away...

:)) sorry not sorry-

Also I wanna hold a Q/A so ask head!

Side stories are gonna be made, along with oneshots, so leave some suggestions for me plsss <33

                                                                  ~Ur hoe Socks😘                               

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