~Learning With Camilo~ 6

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You both had finished sorting the books and were sitting in the reading room of the library, in comfortable silence maybe, but you felt like only one of you were comfortable, Camilo had his hands behind head was was basking in the light that was coming in from the window, and you felt like your brain was going into shock from the kiss.

"You alright there Y/n?"Camilo muses,"Okay, come here, it's hug time."He holds out his arms to you, you go and sit with him,"Sorry I kissed you without warning, that wasn't nice of me."He put his chin on your head,"It wasn't you butt,"You nestle yourself against his chest,"I didn't hate it though."You mutter.

"Gods I'd hope not."He smiles,"We are in a library, wanna pick out a book with me?"You blushed embarrassed,"I was pulled out of school after I moved, I don't know how to read."You whispered,"We lucky for you Y/n!I'm a great teacher!Well not really, but still!"Your heart flutters at his proposal.
"I'd love that Camilo!"You noticed that neither of you were talking about the kiss anymore.

"Ah, it's about Lunch time, let's head home and eat, then we'll start our lesson!"He squeezes you.

~At the Madrial home~

Nobody other than Mirabel looked at you weird. While you ate and talked with everyone, you could feel Mirabel's eyes burning into your skull,"Hey Y/n?Can you please play with me after lunch?"The youngest of the family, Antonio, asked, and you smiled.
"Of course!I'd love to Antonio, we and Camilo have to finish at the library first though, is that okay?"Antonio beams happily,"Yeah!Yay, I get to play with Y/n!"(I swear Antonio is the cutest little kid ever-)

You talked with Isabel about Hyacinth growing for the rest of the meal,"You love Hyacinths don't you Y/n?"She teased, "Heh, I guess I do!"You stand, Camilo follows you to the kitchen where you wash your dishes,"Should we go?"He asked, you nodded,"You get walking, I gotta go get some stuff!"He leaves upstairs.

You start out of the house, your shoes crunch on the gravel, a light wind blows, I think it's going to rain. You think as you can feel the humidity in the air, dark clouds swirl in the distance, suddenly you feel the presence of someone else, a chill goes down your spine, you turn around to see Mirabel following you,"Mirabel, were you following me?"You question,"Sorry, I was just..going to the market!It's the same path to the library."She lies,"O-kay, well happy shopping then."You go up the stairs to the library, you can still feel Mirabel's eyes on you as you go in.

You close the large wooden doors, everything was dead quiet, nobody else was in here but you, you breathe a sigh of relief, you walk back to the reading room, everything looks the same from the last time you were here.
A sudden thud makes you jump,"Hey Y/n?Are you here yet?"It was just Camilo closing the door,"Reading room!"You call to him, Camilo's fluffy hair comes into view,"Alright, I have pencils, paper, a lot of paper."He gives you and quick smile as he sits, you could tell he was thinking hard from the way his brow furrowed and how he was bouncing his leg up and down.

"Here, I also have a learning book."He sets down a fairly slim children's book, "El sancocho del Sábado." Camlio reads the title(Saturday Sancocho.)

Camilo opens the book to the first page, what you know are words that all look like jumbled nonsense,"Okay now, can you say this with me?"(Since I can't for the living hell find a sample of the book, we'll time skip-)

~Four hours later~

You both finally got through the whole book with much struggling and you threw the book multiple times,"You got it!"Camilo high fives you, and gives you a little peck on the cheek,"You earned it."You blush, you went to also give him a kiss on the cheek but you kissed him on the lips instead,Your eyes widen as you try to pull away, but Camilo pulls you closer.

You stopped trying to pull away and pushed yourself against him as if to absorb his warmth,"Camilo."You whisper his name like a prayer,"Yes?"He pulled away, you almost pushed yourself back against him, but you stopped yourself,"That was interesting, do you think Dolores can hear us?"You ask,"Don't worry, this place is soundproof, not even Dolores can hear us."(ik ik soundproofing wasn't invented for like another 20 years, but just- hush)

Camilo pushes you down, he holds your wrists down into the sofa, his chocolate brown eyes stare at you, he smiles,"I really wish you could see how cute you look right now."You smirk,"Oh?I bet my hair is a wild mess, and that I have dirt on my face."Camilo laughs,"Don't worry, you look like an angel to me."He kisses you and bites your lip, letting his tongue slip in, He moves his knee up to where it was between your thighs, he starts to unbutton your shirt when the door to the library opens.

"Y/n, Camilo?Where are you?I wanna play before it rains!"It was Antiono, Camilo jumps so hard he falls off the couch with a heavy thud, you sit up and quickly re-buttons your shirt,"What are you guys doing?"Antonio rounds the corner,"Ah you know, reading."You lie, Antonio looks at Camilo still on the ground,"I didn't want to sit on the couch."He also lies.

"Can we go play now?""Uh, yeah, let's go!"You get up and follow Antonio, giving Camilo a 'Sorry to leave you right when things were getting good' look. 

Get ready for some heavy angst ya'll (also homework sucks, I couldn't write at all :((( )

                                                                               -Ya boi Socks <3

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