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You and Camilo stop at the door to see Dolores talking to Mirabel,"And he had said,'Who's the little spoon now?' "Mirabel's eyes widen, yours and Camilo's face blushes,"I stop listening after that, sorry Mirabel."Camilo nods at you and you nod back, Camilo slams the door open making them jump.

"I did it as a joke!"His face was burning,"Oh...Well, bye."Dorles scuttled out of the room,"Mirabel, why did Dorles immediately go to you?"
"It's Dorles!She tells everyone everything!I can't control why she went to me first!"You would have believed it but you knew she was lying, since you didn't want to get kicked out just yet,"Fine, she has a point, but it was really just a joke."You say to the both of them, Camilo looks at you with a face of confusion and surprise.

"Come on Camilo, we have chores to do."You turn on your heal and leave, Camilo close behind, once you both were out of earshot of Mirabel Camilo says,"You think she's lying."It sounded more of a statement then a question, You nod,"I think she is too, I don't know why she's lying to us but maybe we'll-"

"Camilo!They need you in the library!"It sounded like Pepa, Camilo sighs,"Alright mama!"Then he turns to you,"Well, now we have chores to do."

~At the town's Library~

"Ah Camilo!Glad you are here, the librarian is sick and Luisa is busy, can you stock the shelves?"The man asks, Camilo's eye twitches,"Of course we can!"His voice was strained,if the man noticed either of the signs that Camilo was annoyed, he didn't let on,"Thank you two!"And he leaves.

"Are you okay Camilo?"You ask,"Asking to sort books, what kind of job is that?"He grumbles, you shoulder bump him,"At least you have me to help!"He cracks a smile,"Yeah, I do."

~A few dozen books later~

You stand there staring at the pile of books left,"I regret coming with you."Camilo laughs,"Yeah, this job sucks, oh!There's this one book here that I used to read, it's about these theater kids that fell in love, I'll show you!"He takes your hand and leads you through the aisles.

He stops at one of the shelves and runs his slim fingers along the book spines, making yours shiver, "Aha!Here it is!"He holds up the book like a holy treasure,"He opens the book and moves next to you,"Hey Y/n, can I tell you a secret?"You quirk your head at him, he smiles and kisses you, his lips still warm from his breakfast, your breath hitches and your heart stops dead, when he pulls away, he has the book pressed under his eyes to hide his sly smile, your face is bright red.
"That's my secret, I like you, I liked you since the second grade."You felt tongue tied,"oh."Was all you could say, Camilo laughed lightheartedly,"Come on, we should finish sorting."

Secrets, everyone has them, you, Camilo, Mirabel.


                  ~ur funky author Sock man

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