Werewolfs On The Loose

Start from the beginning

I looked at Taylor to see if she had heard it, but she was too busy paying attention to the vault room, but Derek turned to look at me, and I knew he had heard it.

"Derek, what do we do?" I asked.

"Get out of here."

"Not gonna happen. I'm not leaving any of you."

"You can't help us out there."

"I might not be able to cross, but my magic might be able to."

"It's not working

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"It's not working. You and Taylor need to get out of here."


They continued to fight as I kept trying to get my magic to break through.

"You know her?"

"She's, my sister. My younger sister."

"What the hell is she doing here?"

"Like I have a clue. I thought she was dead."

"Look out."

"Allision?" I asked looking between her and Taylor who was currently wolfed out.

That is not going to be a fun conversation.

Boyd stabbed Scott in the stomach. "Scott!"

I saw Allision crouch down.

"No. Don't break the seal." Derek yelled at her making her look at him.

Her eyes turned back to Scott and I knew she had made her choice. "Boyd!" She yelled before she broke the seal.

Both Cora and Boyd making a run for it. Taylor and I hurried into the vault, I ran over to Scott and went to crouch down next to him, When Derek caught my attention by walking towards Allision.

He grabbed her by her arm.

"Don't touch her."

"What were you thinking?"

"That I had to do something."

"She saved our lives."

"Yeah, And what do you think they're gonna do out there? Do you have any idea what we just set free?"

"You want to blame me? Well, I am not the one turning teenagers into killers."

"No, no. That's just the rest of your family."

"I made mistakes. Gerard is not my fault."

"And what about your mother?"

"What do you mean?"

Derek looked from Allision to Scott. "Tell her, Scott."

"What does he mean, Scott?" Scott let out a scoff. "What does he mean?"

Derek walked off, Taylor and I both stayed.

"She tried killing you."

"UH, Yeah. Yeah."

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