I knew him - chapter 38 ४

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"Tony stark" you grin darkly.

He runs towards you. Your raise your gun just before you're about to shoot him he parades with his left hand. For a moment time freezes as you stand before him. He looks so familiar to you, but all you can feel when you look at him is hatred and anger. You make you next move by kicking him against the room. He crashes into the wall. Before you can pick up the gun from the floor, Nat comes out from her hiding pinning you to the ground. You hit the floor.

"Get off me" you scream, before you tackle her and get up from the ground. In response she jumps on your back, her arm is tightly wrapped around your throat.

"Don't make me hurt you y/n" she yells.

you chuckle darkly as you throw her against a table, grabbing onto her throat with your left hand choking her. "Who the fuck is y/n?" You question.

"You can at least recognize me" she cries out as your grip around her throat tightens. You smirk as you see her eyes roll back. She's passes out.

Tony is getting his conscious back, and fires another shot at you.

" прервать миссию, я был скомпрометирован" you say, as you quickly scan for the nearest exit.

The stairs.

They would catch you if you run, so instead you take the jump. You nail the landing.

"Hello y/n" a voice speaks behind you.

You turn around.. "Loki? What.. why" you mutter.. you remember him.. you remember his name.

"You remember me?" He asks confusedly, he has just seen you nearly kill your own brother and best friend simply because you didn't know them.

You're frozen.. "I don't know.. I don't remember anything. But I can't seem to forget your name." You say quietly. "Just let me do what i have to do" you shake it off, yet he grabs your hand.

"I'm afraid I can't let you go, I'm taking you home" he says warmly.

Your body is flinching at his touch.. it feels so right, and it hurts. It was easier not remembering anything. Feelings was only in the way "what have you done to me?.. WHY DO I KNOW YOUR NAME!" You scream trying to break free from his touch.

"Because I'm the love of your life.. and you're mine"

"How sentimental" you chuckle, before twisting his arm forcing him down to the ground before jumping out of the nearest Window fleeting the scene.

Loki walks up the stairs, Natasha is coughing, your handprint is still around her neck. Tony is bleeding heavily from his jaw.

"What the hell just happened?" Tony asks.

"How familiar are you with the winter soldier program?" Nat asks, her voice is squeaky.

"No" Tony says coldly..

"Tony.." she's concerned.

"They ehm.. they killed our parents.. she's not." He whimpers, struggling to hold back tears.

"She didn't know who we were" Nat says sadly.

"She recognized me"

They both look at loki who's been standing in silence

"She remembered my name" loki claims.

"What?" Tony asks.

You're back in the chair, you're starring up at the ceiling. Mumbling to yourself.

Small pieces of your life is coming back to you like puzzle pieces, but it's like there's always a small piece missing before you can finish it.
And that name it haunts you.


You see a kiss, a ring, the same ring you're wearing. The ring you can't seem to take off. You feel love

"I love you infinite"

His hands on your body

"Loki?" You mumble out loud.

A guard walks towards you with some sedatives. Before he can inject you with anything you send him flying across the room.

All the guards aim their guns at you.

"Solider calm down or we'll fire"

"Fire away" you scream, turning their guns against themselves.

"That won't be necessary" Zemo scoffs.

You drop the guns to the floor, letting your body rest against the chair.

"Mission report now" One of the doctors demands.

"I..ehm" you mumble

Just before the Doctor can speak again, Zemo gestures for him to stop.

"It's okay y/n, just give us the mission report" he smiles warmly.

You stay silent.

"Hard way it is then" Zemo chuckles slapping you across the face.

"Who was that man back in the city.. I knew him" you murmur.

Because I'm the love of you're life.. and you're mine

"I loved him.. I could feel it.."

"You've met him before on another mission.. he's just trying to break you down" Zemo assures you.

"No.. that's not it I knew him. I remember loving him, I could feel it."

"You're not capable of Love.. you're a weapon, the greatest one ever made" Zemo says. " all you need to do is let go"

"Why can't I remember anything.. WHY WONT YOU TELL ME WHO I AM" you scream. Everyone and everything around you gets blown away as you break down crying.

"Tie her up"'the doctor demands. Two guards a charge towards you tying you down on the chair.

"Wipe her.. and then start over"

"No please don't do this.." you cry out. "I'm begging you please don't. I'll be good I promise"

The doctors starts the machine, you simply let you head fall back and open your mouth as they place the oh so familiar piece of plastic between your teeth as the equipment wraps around your head. Sending electric shock through your body for the hundredth time. Until you no longer feel anything but the aching pain rushing through your body. Yet this time it's the only thing that makes you feel anything at all.. it's the only familiar feeling you know.

When worlds collide - Loki X readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora