chapter 1: where we are now

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As of this moment I am sitting in my small city's public library. the loud keyboard going click clack so loud I'm sure the librarians can hear me. i have a YAC meeting soon and i had brought brownies. I am also to to sure what to write so I guess I will introduce myself. My name is Asia and I have a really messed up life and often use my skill of constantly daydreaming to escae from it so that is were I got the idea to write about my life but the way i want it to go from here on out. i guess i will also introduce my other me's too and tell you about them.


Race: white

roll: she was just someone i made up to be someone else and get to know people without them caring about looks.

social: mainly instagram. she runs memes_news_and_anime_things

moving onto luna


Race: half korean and half white (is really pale)

roll: she was made up recently. i wanted to name my daughter that so thats where her names comes from

social: discord only. Lunar_eclipse#2346

Now for my guy


Roll: had him for a while, I just forgot about him. He's a sarcastic boy who loves to play video games but also loves to play football. He is one of the boy

Race: half Korean half white but claims to be full white

Social: sc:braydenisyobf

now moving onto the main person, the one who has been through all of this and who is typig this right now


Race: half korean and half white

roll: the only real person in this intro

Social: all but we will not be telling for the time being.

yeah so thats all for now and we will be starting chapter two on tuesday.

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