Day 123

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It's been two days since Tom asked me to be his valentine and yes it took a while since Valentine's Day is only 3 days away but it's fine.

Today the people for my Valentine's Day surprise are here they were supposed to come the day before Valentine's Day but they have to set it up now.

I have to get Tom out of the house for a bit so I think we go shopping and go to a club get him semi drunk so he won't notice what they set up and come back home.

It's was around 12 so we should go shopping now. "Hey Tom" "yes darling" "can we go shopping for the house" "yeah sure let me change first" "okay I'll be in my car" "got it"

After a few minutes he finally came out with a baggy black t shirt and grey sweatpants "isn't that the same thing you were wearing" "yes there was too many options and I couldn't choose" "okay let's go"

We get to the store at 12:40  grabbing some paintings and I got some stuff to organize my makeup and the fridge.

After a few hours it was around 3 so we decided to get some lunch "wanna go for drinks after this"
"Sure let's finish our food and I'll let you drink I'm only gonna have one" "it's fine I'll drive home I have some work to do and I can't do it tipsy" "whatever you say"

We finished our food and went to the bar a few blocks down we got beers to start nothing much it was pretty basic. I was only get drink this so I could drive later.

Tom had a few more when his mates showed up after he texted them Harrison Harry and Sam. They wanted me to take shots with them so I did but only one they kept going while I had some water and soda.

They were getting wasted Tom having a drink before was slightly more tipsy then them "Tom let's go I'll take your mates home too" "not yet okay just one more hour" "fine I'll be back" I asked all his makes where they wanted to sleep tonight weather it be at our house or their parents. They all asked if they could stay at ours if since it would be easy for me. I of course agreed not being rude.

I just have to keep they away from the set up I need in three days.

After 4 hours of drinks and fun for the guys I decided that we should go home since they could barely stand. "Hey could you help me with my friends they can barely stand and I can't help them all out at once" "yeah give me a sec" thank god the bartender had some guys helping him or he would have said no and I would have struggled to get them to the car.

Once we got them all in I thanked him and got in the car. "We ready" "mmm" was all I got.

Tom had his hand on my thigh rubbing his thumb back and forth.

"your drunk" "I know" I move his hand back onto his thigh. "We're are you taking us y/n" Sam asks "to my house like you all agreed too" "okay"

Once I got home I slowly but surly brought them into the house two by two first Sam and Haz. After Tom and Harry I brought them all to the couches placing them down. "Okay we have a spare room who wants that unless y'all wanna stay in the couch" "we'll stay here" I went to the kitchen and got 4 water handing them to each person.

"I'll be back with blankets" I say grabbing Tom and taking him upstairs and placing him on our bed "do you want to change out if your clothes" "yeah" I grab some blankets "I'll be back in a second" "okay darling" I bring them done stairs to 3 sleeping bodies I lay the blankets over them putting aspirin next to their waters.

I got back up stairs to Tom trying to get his pants off "let me help you" "I love you" "I know I know " "thank you" "your welcome" I move his legs back up on the bed putting aspirin next to his water.

"Don't go" "I'm just gonna get changed and get ready for bed" "please don't leave me" "I won't I promise" who knows promises can break.

I get ready for bed and hop in next to tom already sleeping. God I love him"Goodnight Tom" "mm"


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