Day 96

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(A/n: there will be a lot of skipping I. January so I can get up to Valentine's Day so expect short chapter but I promise you once we get caught up to Valentine's day it will go back to over 1000 words and a lot less skipping)

Its been a little over a week we only have around a months and a half left of filming it's the 15 th of January and I have to ask for the favor soon.

I've accepted the fact that Tom said I love you and I haven't found the time to say it back because I realized I love him too I'll find a day tho and the perfect time.

I've tried saying it before but it was never the perfect time. We built the trampoline and my suit shipped out a few days ago meaning it should be here soon.

"Hey Jon I have to ask for a favor" "what's up y/n" "I have an idea for something I wanna do for someone could you possibly help me with it" "what the idea" "it's Spider-Man themed and if you could and this would be great if you could possibly set up some deftly wires like we have for stints and stuff in my house that would be awesome" "Yeah when would you need it installed by" "valentines day if possible" "I'll se what I can do I'll have to ask some people but I'll get back to you" "okay perfect thank you so much"

Okay step one done.

Tom had a few scenes to film left for the day so I kinda just chilled in days trailer hanging out with her. I brought some snacks over so we could eat something "okay so what's going on with you" "nothing much pretty boring to be honest I do have a surprise being planned for Tom tho" "ooo sounds fun" "and with you" "after they need me for filing I'm gonna go back to LA and see my parents. Oh my god you and Tom should come for a week or something" "that would be so cool I'll have to ask him but I'm all in even if he doesn't wanna go" "okay I'll make sure we go to really cool places" "got it"

Me and Zendaya got really close pretty fast she has a very welcoming personality and I love that in people.

"Okay let's do something like play a game" "okay I have the bets one"  z says "what is it" "it's basically asking questions but if one of us gets the answer right we have to dm a random famous person" "I'm in" "young celeb crush from marvel" "umm I love marvel but from the start it has to be someone" "okay let me guess and we'll say it on three" "one two three Bucky" we say at the same time "shit" I say pulling out my phone "you have to say your best joke"  I type in the joke and click off my phone.

We keep on playing till I'm needed on set "bye z" "bye y/n/n"

"Hey y/n" I turn to Jon "hi" "we got the okay to set it up in your house all we're gonna need is your address and I'll send someone over on the 13th to set it up" "thank you so much this means a ton" "your welcome"

The work day finishes and we start to drive home it was a comfortable silence at least I thought it was.

"Wanna go on the trampoline when we get home" I ask "sure"

We haven't been on it yet since we set it up. I was really uncomfortable right now I was getting cramps and I was bending over since the pain was really bad "darling are you okay" "mmm yeah" was all I could say "what's happing do I have to pull over" "no it's just cramps they just really hurt for some reason" somethings they come and go even if I'm not on my period at the time "okay if you need anything we can stop and I'll get it" "do you have Advil" "we can stop once I see a store" "okay"

We stopped in less then 10 minutes tom rushing in and coming back with Advil a few moments later I take it hoping it will help sooner than later. "Thank you" "no problem"

It soon started to work and the pain got lesser and lesser.

We got home and I got changed into soothing more comfortable.

"Ready" I ran outside to the trampoline and screamed while running up to it I could hear Tom laughing in the background I jumped up on it jumping and then going horizontally and laying down and bouncing.

Tom came and jumped on making me bounce "Tom I could've died" I say in a joking tone "oh come on not exactly" "I could've there's a possibility" I say jumping "fine there's a possibility" he finally gives up. I jump taking him off guard and he falls.

He slowly gets up putting his hands up while I'm still jumping and he's trying to stay steady. He starts to jump making me go higher "your double bouncing me no fair" "it's totally fair you caught me off guard" he grabs me hand stop I stop jumping he then stops, jumping once again and I fall he stop and goes into a position so he won't land on his feet.

I took him down so he was laying down like me I lay on him and he rolls me over so now he's on top of me "mmm kinky my love" "Thomas the train how dare you say that" "did you just call me Thomas the train" "yes I did mr. train what do you have to say about it" I say slowly backing up off the trampoline in case he chases me he does "I'm sorry okay I'm sorry" I try running faster "sorry's not gonna cut it love" "what is" "I don't know I'll think of it" "please good sir do not punish my sorry ass farewell Thomas the train" I throw my phone on the couch whip off my shirt and shoes and jump into the pool.

"No fair y/n/n" "it's totally fair" "no" he said taking off his shirt and shoes throwing his phone on the couch "Tom" "yes love" "what are you doing" "cooling down" he says taking off his pants "mother oh hell" I say under the water I go back up after seeing a splash "aren't you gonna take off your pants too" "oh dear Thomas you only wish"

We got out a little after that I also got little pool toys that kids would use because they had Spider-Man on them.

"Over the weekend can we watch Narnia" "sure now let's get ready for bed early like old people" "omg I could put sweets in my purse and give them to little kids" "pretty sure you'll get arrested I promise we'll do other things when we're done filming" "and then can I give little kids nasty sweets" "still no" "aww come on" "goodnight y/n" "night Thomas the train" "y/n give it up" " Never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye
never gonna tell a lie and hurt you" "y/n we have to sleep" "fine"

Words: 1255

365 days // Tom holland Where stories live. Discover now