His face was covered with a blanket and I removed it slowly. Oh! My heart! He looked so tranquil. I took the time to admire him. It was a golden opportunity for any fan and I wanted to use it wisely. I shook him lightly to wake him up but he was sleeping like a log. I sprinkled water on him and that did the trick. He opened his eyes and rubbed the stardust. I was the first thing he saw in the morning and inadvertently my heart wished he had a great day.

"Good morning." I wished him cheerfully but he didn't reply. Was he so rude? He shut his eyes and held his head with his hands. I passed him an aspirin and he gulped it down with lemonade. "The breakfast is ready would you..."

He walked away with wobbly steps without letting me complete so I had breakfast alone. I doubted my wish to have a meal with him would ever come true.

"You, come upstairs," Kenny shouted from the staircase and I wondered what happened. I went inside his room and he pinned me to the wall. He hovered over me and I thought he was going to kiss me again. But he squeezed my chubby cheeks and asked me, "did you hit me last night?"

He questioned which meant he must be trying to recall. I laughed mentally and shrugged my shoulders. He left me and I twisted my jaw to relocate it. "You cannot go to such a shady place and absolutely not without security. What if something happened? Your mother called yesterday and..."

He pushed me against the door, startling me and shouted, "I don't want to hear what my mother said. If you want to play her advocate, get the hell out of here."

I was scared in the pub but Kenny's anger terrified me. No one had ever shouted at me. I loved watching action drama movies but hated it in real life. He jerked me and left my arms. Frustration, anger and guilt exhibited on his face and I was happy, I could read them. Was I stupid to be happy with this achievement?

I came down and breathed in-out to calm myself. He was my employer but if he maltreated me as he did, he would see the worst of me.

I was playing candy crush on my phone when the Lord from heaven descended the stairs. He went to the kitchen and served himself breakfast at almost lunchtime. He forwarded me a cup of coffee and I looked at him in amusement.

"I don't regret what I did but taking out my anger on you like that was uncalled for. So... Yeah... Just have this coffee." I killed the urge to pull his cheeks. He looked so cute attempting to apologise. I took the cup from him ignoring him as he always did. I was happy with whatever I had. My luck never favoured me and I didn't want to push it with wanting more.

Kenny and his phone. He was not active on any of his social media profiles from a few days, so what was he doing? I was curious. I didn't know I was staring at him until he snapped at me, "Stop behaving like a cheap, clingy fan. I am sick and tired of you guys. And I don't want you to wear a uniform. Wear something casual or don't wear anything at all, I don't mind."

That was so below the belt. "Hold your horses, Mr Kellar. I do not appreciate your loose talks. Besides, not all fans are cheap and clingy. I doubt any of them are. They just admire and appreciate their favourite artists and if that is how you define it, I feel sorry for you."

Kenny was taken aback by my answer. Good. He must know he was supreme on onscreen but not otherwise.

"I want to go out. To a beach or somewhere. I cannot stay in this villa the entire day." Kenny told me and I took out my phone to look for the least crowded beach. There were plenty and one of them was close by.

"Alright, whenever you are ready, let me know."

"I was serious when I said, I don't like this uniform of yours. Change it." Kenny went upstairs after ordering me to change. I complied with it. I didn't like the uniform either.

I wore a wine coloured top with white coloured, ankle-length jeans. I tied my hair in a high pony and realised why I never had a permanent boyfriend. I was so damn pretty. Kissing my reflection in the mirror I came out of my room and packed lunch. He could afford fancy restaurants, I could not. I waited for Kenny and fuck! I averted gawking at him. A white round neck t-shirt and casual shorts could also make him look so fucking sexy? No wonder girls couldn't resist his charm. I am the girls, here.

I locked the villa and Kenny insisted on driving. I didn't allow him and he looked pissed off. I was somewhere enjoying irritating him.

I parked the car and did the most important task. "Sir, please stay low. You attract a lot of attention and if someone recognises you, it will be chaotic. It's a humble request else I could again knock you down like yesterday."

"Warning and persuasion in the same sentence? Witty. Challenge accepted, Cooper." Kenny walked towards the beach and I knew it was going to be tough. I followed him. "Look, just stay away. I need some alone time." I understood what he meant. It's so inconvenient to have someone follow you all the time.

I stood at a distance while he walked and let the waves of the ocean touch his feet. It was a beautiful sight and I closed my eyes to memorise it. What my next painting would look like? It would look like a picturesque ornate. Kenny was going towards the ocean and I feared his next move. I went closer and shouted, "Don't go further, Sir."

He stopped and looked at me. Probably he didn't realise what he was doing. He stared back at the ocean and put his hands inside his pockets. Something was going on in his life which was bothering him. Did he break up with Tia? I opened her Instagram but there were no hints. I kept looking at Kenny and didn't realise it was almost four in the evening. We were at the beach for more than two hours.

"I need food."

"Umm... I have packed lunch if you would like that? There are no restaurants in this area?" I hoped Kenny ate the packed lunch.

He took out his phone and googled. There was a shack close by and he showed it to me on his phone. I gave up and walked behind him. Kenny was fisting and opening his palm again and again. He wanted someone to hold his hand and I only wished I could.

He reached the shack and thankfully it was almost empty. I checked around and requested him to take a corner seat. He agreed and ordered his lunch. His big goggles and oblivion of the waitress made it easier to hide his identity. With clear water, a clean beach and a settling Sun in the background, Kenny was having his food in silence. He asked me to sit and order if I was hungry. I declined both. The rates were not fancy but I wanted to be prepared if any fans came close.

Kenny finished the lunch and swiped his card. We were coming out when a group of young surfers recognised him.
They swooned over him and Kenny was happy to meet them. I guess, he was partial towards his fans. He never met me so nicely. More and more people started to come and I tried to reach closer to him. I was pushed away and there was no way I could reach to Kenny who was surrounded by so many people. He looked at me and gave his famous lopsided grin. Was it planned? Did he plan this? Of course, he did. He fooled me.

Dear Readers
Kenny is giving a tough time to our girl Albeli. Will she be able to tackle the bratty star or give up in the middle? How will Albeli get Kenny who is surrounded by his fans out?

Read in the next chapter which will be a turning point in their story.

Stay hooked!
Lots of love

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