Life in Tartarus

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Previously on Their Demon...

Percy looked up at Zeus Glaring at him and Poseidon his eyes dark green like a raging sea.

"Yes, from this day forward, I want you to dream about this event, what you have done, because right here and right now, mark my words, I will be back, I will tear Olympus down Brick by brick. You have made an enemy, you have made Your Demon."

Percy chuckles darkly "And trust me that isn't a threat, it is a promise, because from now on......

I am your Bane

I am your fall

Your biggest mistake

"I am Your Demon"


Percy's POV

The Fall felt like an eternity, I was falling, and falling and falling into the abyss. During this time I thought of when I fell down here the first time, with Annabeth. "I love you," she said. "I love you too," I replied. I shook my head to rid myself of these thoughts. She betrayed me, they all did. and they will feel the pain I felt, Emotionally, mentally, and physically. I will spare the gods who voted for me. As they are level-headed and not as power-hungry and paranoid as Zeus.

I still have riptide, the sword Zoe gave me, I use it every day in honour of her. Zoe. She didn't deserve to die. She shouldn't have died. It's my fault. No! she died an honourable death, saving her mistress, I shall not take away from her. But I can't help but think about her, Her eyes, Her hair, her face.....

I can see that I am about to land in the...THE STYX! I know that it wouldn't accept me a second time and just burn my essence away so for the first time, I try to use my earth powers.


It worked, it actually worked was all I could think. I created a wall of earth to break my fall before I entered the Styx and it worked. I got up off the floor and started walking off. I felt the toxic air burning my insides, I knew I had to get to the Phlegethon river.

When walking there I encountered some monsters...... some, familiar monsters.

3rd Person POV

"Hey there Kelli, Beefboy, and I see you brought some cyclopes with ya, how y'all doing." sassed Percy. "I see the gods had enough of you and cast you down here to be our plaything huh, guess you can finally admit I am pretty," said Kelli trying to anger Percy. However, it didn't work. "yeah they did, minus the plaything part. but I would like to rid Tartarus of the ugly rodents of your kind so what do you say, let's dance."

The minotaur charged at Percy, angry that he defeated him not once, but twice, he will have his head. or so he thought. Percy side-stepped him and uncapped Riptide and sliced down, severing his head from his body, and allowing the minotaur to burst into dust. The two cyclops charged at Percy, raising their clubs high, while Kelli fired arrows at him. Percy rolled out of the way of a cyclops's strike and sliced an arrow in. half while dodging the other cyclops's swing. He knew he had to take out Kelli, as she has the advantage of a ranged weapon, so he jumped on top of the first cyclops's back while Kelli tried to shoot Percy, Percy went to the cyclops's head where Kelli fired an arrow that shot the cyclops in his eye. The cyclops screamed in pain while the second cyclops tried to hit Percy off his brother's head. Percy jumped off the first cyclops and landed on the other when he hit his brother in the head, sending him flying, and landing on Kelli, crushing her and killing the cyclops in the process. Percy grinned and plunged his sword into the cyclops neck, quickly ending him.

Their DemonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz