Suicidal Mirabel ENDING

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So the votes
immortal au
kidnapped au
and martial arts au has the most votes soooo yeah.

(Time skip 1year)

Mirabel healed from her age regression and it was just a normal Tuesday.... Or was it?

Mirabel was walking around finding Luisa but then she felt someone snatch her and her eyelids felt heavy.


Mirabel woke up and she couldn't see nor move, someone removed her blindfold to see a man wearing a creepy mask but she was too focused on escaping.

Oh mirabel~

She turned her head to see the "person" but she felt a knife on her neck.

"You move your dead."

Mirabel just controlled her breathing and she noticed the so-called professional 'kidnapers" forgot to tie her legs.

She remembered the tricks Luisa taught her for defense so she kicked the "persons" shin and did a flying kick to make the other person move and ran to the door and "escaped"

But then she felt a sharp object in her head, she wanted to remove the sharp object but she was too busy running and she didn't notice she was bleeding.

Mirabel ran..ran... And ran.

She miraculously made it to Casita but her head and arms were bleeding. ( a tree branch stabbed her arm while running )

"MIRABEL" Isabela cried and all of her family members ran to her and saw blood, all over her body.

They were all in shock but Julieta removed the cloth on her daughter's mouth and shoved an arepa in her daughter's mouth.

Mirabel got healed but passed out because she ran for like 4 hours and it was already nighttime.

She woke up to see Dolores, isabela, Camillo, Luisa on the floor sleeping.

She smiled and panicked because she felt a hand on her arm, she turned around to see Antonio next to her.

She sighed and picked up Camillo and put him on her bed. ( she became strong 💪)

She then carried Dolores and isabela and plopped them on Antonio's old bed.

She just put a blanket on Luisa because she couldn't carry her, after she left the room she let out a big sigh and went down to set up the table.

But she instead saw her mother cooking food, she greeted her mom good morning and set the table.

"Mirabel, you should be sleeping why up so early?" Mirabel just smiled at her mother and walked to her mother and just hugged her.

"What's wrong?" Julieta said "nothing just miss you" Julieta smiled and kissed her daughter's forehead, mirabel groaned and helped her mom cook.

(Time skip)

Everyone woke up and talked to mirabel and asked her what happened? Or they just hugged mirabel.

Mirabel just laughed and told them the story and they all just tackled her into a hug.

CANT... BrEaTh.

They all let go of her and Abuela walked in and made everyone sit for breakfast, but all of the madrigal kids fought who will sit next to mirabel even Antonio.

The fight started to get out of hand and Abuela mirabel and Bruno had to break the fight. ( yes Bruno is here )

Dolores and Luisa won so they sat next to mirabel but the other marital kids just glared at them in anger but they still ate and they all laughed it off.

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