Chapter 20-Christmas: Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Can I see?" She asked, I held it up.  "Look how crazy my hair looks,"

"I think you look beautiful," I said as I took it back in front of me, looking at it again,

"Thanks you." She said as she kissed my cheek, "I'm going to head downstairs, wanna come?"

"Right behind you" I said.  I took the photo and carefully put it in my wallet.  I walked downstairs and found everyone down there.  She was already chatting with Sloan by the time I got to the living room.  

"We are about to leave but we shouldn't be gone long" she said coming over and wrapping her hands around my neck,

"I'll be here waiting when you get back," I said giving her a smirk and a wink.  She rolled her eyes and gave me a kiss before walking out the door with the girls.   The guys and I all decided we would cook ourselves brunch and then watch Christmas movies until the girls got back.  We crowded into the kitchen each working on something different.  I chopped fruit, Sam worked on pouring drinks, Jake was making pancake mix and Danny was cooking some bacon. 

"So Sam, are you nervous about Lin going out with the girls?" I asked

"What? Why would I be nervous?" He said stopping what he was doing,

"Well for one it's Sloan, Rhiannon, and Kenzi."I laughed along with Jake and Danny

"Did I just throw her to the wolves...?" Sam asked as he rubbed the back of his head,

"You and Sloan have history, which I gather you haven't told Lin about.  Rhiannon is just scary sometimes, no offense Josh, and I love her more than life but Kenzi is just a lot sometimes.  I would just be nervous if I were you." Danny said as he flipped the bacon in the frying pan. 

"She isn't scary, she is intimidating." I said in reference to his comment,

"I don't know Josh, she had me in a chokehold once and I was pretty scared" Jake said causing everyone to laugh again. 

"I think Lin can hold her own, I'm sure the girls will go easy on her." Sam said as he sat at the table, "Hey Jake, how's Sloan doing?"

"What's going on with Sloan?" I asked as I turned around to face the rest of the group,

"She passed out last night," Jake said quietly, "She swears she is fine now, but it scared the shit out of me." I could tell by the look on his face that he was worried still,

"Did she drink to much?" I asked,

"I never saw her drink anything.  She says it was because the water was too hot in the shower and she didn't eat." He shrugged his shoulders,

"That sounds plausible" Danny said as he gave Jake a reassuring look,

"Yeah, I just hope she's ok out at brunch" He said as he started to cook the pancakes.

"You know Kenzi and Rhiannon would never let anything happen to her." I said as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I know, I just can't help but worry a little" He sighed

"Well, lets get this food cooked so we can start our movie marathon," Sam said, "Maybe that will keep your mind off of it" Jake nodded and we continued to cook.  I was glad to see Jake and Sam getting along so well again after the whole Sloan situation.  We all made our plates and walked into the living room, finding a comfy spot to sit in.  We decided on starting with Home Alone.  It had been a while since only us guys had hung out and it was nice.  We all laughed and made jokes as we watched the movie.   After a couple of hours I heard car doors closing before the front door opened. In sauntered Rhiannon, Sloan and Kenzi. 

"Where is Lin?" Sam asked looking out the window,

"She said something about going souvenir shopping for her mom? We tried to go with her but she insisted we didn't" Kenzi said.  Rhiannon came over and sat next to me on the couch,

"How was brunch" I asked as I took her hand and intertwined our fingers,

"It was, interesting." She said quietly, glancing around the room. I raised a brow at her in curiosity, "I will explain later, how was hanging out here?"

"It was nice, we just relaxed."  I said as I wrapped my free arm around her shoulders.  She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against it.   "We have a few hours before the extended family starts showing up, did you want to do anything?" I asked as I brushed her cheek with my thumb. 

"Would you hate me if I say I kind of just want to sleep?" She turned looking at me with tired eye,

"I would never hate you" I said as I kissed her forehead, "Lets go upstairs." I said as I stood up and put my hand down to help her up.  We got into my room and she walked into the bathroom.  "Are you ok? You have been really tired lately" I said as I leaned against the door frame. 

"Yeah, I think I'm just pms'ing." She said as she started to get undressed.  I nodded as I stepped forward and placed my hands on her hips,

"Are you feeling ok? Or do you need anything?" I asked, knowing how awful she sometimes felt, She leaned her head back on my shoulder

"I think I'm ok for now.  I just want to shower and lay down." She replied. 

"Ok, well I'm going to make us some tea and I'll be waiting when you get out." She nodded as I placed a kiss on her shoulder before she stepped into the shower. I went downstairs and brewed her some tea before carefully making my way back to my room, carrying the two cups.  I set them on the nightstand and stripped down to my boxers.  I got into bed and just as I pulled the covers over myself I heard the shower turn off.  She walked out in one of my t-shirts and a pair of panties, a messy bun atop her head.  I moved the covers so she could cuddle up next to me.  She snugged up close and I handed her the tea I had made. 

"Thank you" She said with a soft smile as she looked up at me. 

"Of course," I said as I gave her a kiss, "I have an alarm set for us to wake up later, I made sure to set it early enough that you have time to get ready." She handed me the cup of tea so I could place it back on the side table.  She wrapped her arms around my chest, nuzzling her face against my chest as she fell asleep.

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