Chapter 26

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********2 months later********

Andy wakes up, rolling over to find himself alone. He sighed, sitting up on the edge of the bed. He got dressed, pulling on some jeans and a t-shirt before going downstairs. He smiled as Emily waddled to him at the bottom of the steps.


He chuckled, scooping her up into his arms before going into the kitchen to find Juliette making breakfast with Jacob. "You're teaching him how to cook?"

Juliette smiled and nodded, "I am. It's an important life skill. And he wanted to make you breakfast for your birthday." She grinned as he leaned in to kiss her cheek. "Happy birthday Andy."

"Thank you!"

She watched him go into the sitting room with Emily, sitting on the floor with her as he turned on cartoons. She turned back to Jacob, nudging his shoulder, "see the bubbles on the outside of the pancake? That's how you know to flip."

Jacob nodded, "thanks Julie. For helping me. Mom never let me help cook."

She shrugged, "like I said. It's an important life skill, no matter the gender." She smiled, "and trust me, girls love men that can cook."

Jacob laughed, "good to know."

She poured two cups of coffee, carrying one to Andy, kneeling on the floor next to him as Emily walked to her.

Andy leaned towards her, placing his hand on her cheek, "are you okay?"

She nodded, "today. Yeah. I have therapy today. And I have an errand to run afterwards, okay?"

He shrugged, "okay." He chuckled, resting his hand on her thigh, "you don't have to tell me where you're going Jules."

"I know. I just don't want you to worry is all."

He nodded, moving his hand to the nape of her neck as he pulled her head to lean against his. "I appreciate that love. I love you."

"Breakfast is ready."

Juliette stood up to see Jacob placing food on the table for everyone. "You did a good job Jacob. I'm proud of you."

Andy sighed as he watched Juliette pick up Emily and take her to the table as he followed. He smiled at Jacob, "thanks for making breakfast bud." He watched everyone sitting around the table, eating quietly. Jacob didn't know the full extent of what had happened to Juliette, but he was at the age that he could surmise what happened. He had been good with her, including her in stuff, asking her to help teach him stuff his mother never got around to. But Andy still felt the distanced from Juliette. Though they slept in the same bed, she wouldn't let him touch her, only occasionally letting him hold her. Even on nights when he heard her crying quietly, she pulled away from him. He had to start pretending that he didn't hear her because she wouldn't let him in.


Juliette sat on the couch in front of Dr. Burns as she sighed.

"Julie. How are you today?"

Juliette smiled, "I feel good today. It's Andy's birthday."

Dr. Burns nodded and smiled, "and how is it going with you and Andy?"

"I feel... like maybe his patience is running thin. I haven't let him touch me. And that was always an area that we never had trouble with before. But I just can't get out of my head enough to let it happen."

Dr. Burns sighed, "well it is understandable. It's only been a little over two months since Ian. And then the added trauma of the miscarriage. I'm sure Andy isn't getting impatient, just worried about you. Has he pressured you?"

Juliette shook her head adamantly, "no no. Of course he hasn't. He wouldn't do that. But I want to move on with him. Build a life, but I feel like we are just in limbo. He keeps saying he loves me and I still haven't managed to say it back even though I feel the same."

"Why can't you say I love you?" She watched Juliette hesitate, looking away. "Why don't you tell Andy how you feel? You aren't broken or less worthy just because of what happened. I'm sure Andy will agree."

Juliette nodded, her eyes wet with tears, "I know that logically. But it doesn't stop the thoughts."

Dr. Burns nodded, "then how about whenever you have those thoughts, you tell Andy? And how are you feeling about the miscarriage?"

She shrugged, "I get a little sad looking at Emily sometimes. She could be getting a little brother or sister. But we still can in the future. Andy hasn't brought it up since it happened. He seems to just be waiting for me to be okay I guess. And I think he's upset I never told him I was pregnant."

"And why didn't you tell him?"

Juliette sighed, "because I wasn't sure how he would react. He was still married technically. I wasn't sure if I was going to keep it. Now I'm angry the decision was made for me."

Dr Burns nodded, "of course you are. You have every right to be. And so does Andy. After all, it was his baby too. You should be grieving together."


Juliette entered the house, "Andy?! Jacob!" She smiled as they came downstairs with Andy carrying Emily.

"What is that?!" 

Juliette laughed at Jacob as she handed him a small black lab puppy. "It's Andy's birthday present. I think the house needs a dog. Along with another girl in the house."

Andy laughed, nodding, "I agree." He set down Emily as she followed Jacob into the living room with the puppy. He grabbed Juliette's waist as she put her arms around his neck, "thank you. How was therapy?"

She shrugged, resting her head on his chest, "it was okay."

He sighed, "okay. I love you Jules."

She looked back up at him, "you know that just because I don't say it, doesn't mean I don't."

He nodded, cradling her cheek in his hand, stroking his thumb gently along her cheek bone, "I know love."

Juliette sighed, "can we talk later?"

Andy smiled, "of course we can." He heard her sigh as she she leaned her head back against his chest as he held her. Eventually she let go and he watched her go into the living room with the kids and puppy. He followed her, sitting on the ground next to them, "guess we'll need a name."

Juliette giggled, "what about Bailiff Barber, because she will protect the house. Can call her Bailey."

Andy laughed, "I love it."

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