Chapter 16

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Juliette sat at the kitchen table for a late dinner on Friday as Laurie left. Juliette turned to Andy, "where is she going?"

He shrugged, shaking his head, "I don't know. A date?"

Juliette scoffed, "so she can go out on a date while still married but you can't?!" Andy leaned towards her to say something but Jacob came into the room and he leaned back in his chair. Juliette rolled her eyes, getting up from the table. "I'm going out."

Andy looked from Jacob to Juliette, grabbing her hand before she could walk away, "where are you going?"

She pulled her hand away, "I told you. Out." She crossed her arms, "you are not my father or my boyfriend. So you don't get to say anything about what I do in my free time. Emily is asleep." She looked from Jacob and back to Andy, "you boys have a nice night."

Andy groaned, following her to her room, closing the door behind her as he watched her take off her shirt and bra, watching him as she put on a halter top. "Jules. Please don't go out."

She shrugged, approaching him, "why not? Give me a reason to stay Andy."

He brought his hand up as she crossed her arms. He ran his fingers through her hair, "because you're mine. Aren't I reason enough?"

She shook her head, taking a step back from him, "no. Laurie gets different rules than you do? How is that fair?!"

"I don't know!" He grabbed her waist, "I can't make you stay, but be careful. Please. And don't go out alone. Or go home with anyone."

She sighed, rolling her eyes as she pushed him away, "I'm not going home with anyone Andy. I won't be out too late."

Jacob watched Juliette slam the front door as Andy came to sit back down at the table, "what's going on? I thought you guys were together?"

Andy sighed, "it's complicated. We can't really be together until your mom and I are officially split up. I.." he shook his head, "I don't want to talk about it."


Juliette walked up behind Brie at a high table, "hey."

"Julie!" Brie turned around, hugging her friend, "I'm surprised your warden let you out."

Juliette shrugged, "we aren't dating. Only fucking. Which I'm tired of. I want to go out in public. Be seen, not kept as his dirty little secret."

Brie groaned, "stay. I'll get us drinks."

Juliette nodded, leaning against the high table as she pulled out her phone to fiddle. She felt someone come up behind her, causing her to jump slightly before turning to see Brie's coworker Jack.

"Julie, right?"

Juliette nodded, moving so he was in front of her, "yeah. Jack, right? Nice to see you." He smiled, nodding. She thought he looked nervous as Brie came up to them, handing her a drink.

Brie turned to Jack, "Jack. What are you doing here?"

He shrugged, "I was over there and saw you guys. Thought I'd say hi. I would ask if I could buy you a drink, but seems they aren't needed." He looked from one girl to the other, "well I'll leave you ladies to it." He turned back to Brie before walking away, "maybe a dance later?"

Brie shrugged, "yeah. maybe." She turned back to Juliette, "was he bothering you?"

Juliette shook her head, "no no. He just seems a bit shy."

Brie huffed, "okay. So what's going on with you and Andy?"

Juliette rolled her eyes, taking a big drink. "I don't know. Ian the officer came into the office on Monday and I flirted with him to make Andy jealous. I even told him he could take me to lunch sometime."

Brie chuckled, "are you even interested in him?"

Juliette shook her head, "of course not. I only want Andy. But I can't have him, so why not make him a little jealous?"

Brie rested her hand on Juliette's arm, "just be careful and think about how it could backfire." She looked up past Juliette, lowering her voice, "you don't want someone catching feelings."

Juliette turned around to see what Brie was looking at as she saw Ian coming up to them. She groaned quietly so he didn't hear her as she smiled, "Ian. We keep running into each other."

He laughed, "not stalking you. I swear." He pointed to the dance floor, "dance with me?"

Juliette finished her drink before nodding, "sure." She let him grab her hand to lead her to the dance floor. She turned to face him, placing one hand at the nape of his neck, "I think you should probably know that I'm not really looking for anything serious right now. I'm sort of dating around. I don't want you to get the wrong idea about us or my attention."

Ian sighed and nodded, "okay. I'll take what I can get I suppose. Are you seeing someone?"

"Sort of?" She chuckled, "it isn't exclusive at the moment."

Ian smiled, "so there's still a chance?"

Juliette groaned in her head. She wanted to tell him there was no chance at all and that he was merely a means to an end. A distraction, someone to make Andy jealous. "I don't know Ian." She saw him only nod as he looked away with his jaw clenched tightly.


Andy laid awake on the couch as he heard Juliette come home a bit after Laurie. He heard her remove her shoes and coat before hesitating at the bottom of the stairs before going upstairs without acknowledging him. He groaned, rolling to face the inside of the couch.

Juliette got changed into pajamas before washing her face. She hesitated at the top of the stairs, wanting to go and lay with Andy. She sighed, going into her room and laying in bed. She had just closed her eyes when she heard her door open and shut as she felt Andy slide into bed behind her.

He heard her moan contently as he wrapped his arms around her, feeling her move back against him.

"What are you doing Andy?"

He kissed her neck just below her ear, "you said you wanted me in your bed. I want to be here too. You're where I wanna be Jules."

She sighed, "about tonight..."

He groaned, interrupting her. "I don't want to know. Just sleep." He closed his eyes, pulling her body tighter to his as he heard her breathing steady, falling asleep quickly.

Nanny Series - Andy Barber 💜Where stories live. Discover now