There's no weakness that can be seen in her.


The same scenes repeat every day
There is no need to exaggerate
With a hard expression and a fixed line
You don't look like yourself
Not like you

The moon was bright and full, Mina was now walking to the garden to find peace. She lets every servant go in their own ways. Or she should say, she has always forbidden them in this time span. She needed a break too. That's why she's here.

This was the hideous place where Mina and her weakness in secrecy met. She was Mina's rest; where she didn't need to mask her own feelings.

"Chaeyoung." Mina whispered, facing back at the bush of red roses.

"My Queen," The woman she called showed up with an eager smile as she snaked her hands to the queen's waist.

"You took so long, I was worried you're gonna accept the proposal."

Mina intertwined her hands with Chaeyoung as she giggled. "He was persistent. Really. I was already planning to ban him in this place if he didn't stop."

"Thank god."

The woman is now beside Mina. When Mina took a look, she immediately caught the glimpse of the woman smiling as she saw her dimples with that plump red lips of hers.

"You looked so good with the suit earlier my Royal Assistant. I can't wait to touch you." Mina placed her hands on Chaeyoung's fluffy cheeks and showered it with kisses.

"Come on now... I should be the one to say that to you. You look so hot with that red dress of yours, showing your milky skin."

The two then had eye contact before connecting their lips.

And yes, Mina's weakness is Chaeyoung; her Royal Assistant, her childhood friend, and her lover.

Natural Emotion
Come gently
Action as if careless
Show you


Weakness is just the word they call when someone has a soft spot for something. Chaeyoung is Mina's weakness but calling her a weakness in Mina's perspective would be disrespectful.

Because Chaeyoung is more like home than her weakness.

No matter how many times Mina reminds herself to stop, she just couldn't. Some may forget that she is a human too — she isn't perfect like they see her and Chaeyoung is the reminder of that.

Right now, loving someone while she's the ruler of their continent would mean that it's gonna be a two-edged sword fight but Mina prepared for everything. She didn't want to commit the same mistakes again just like when her family was killed.

But she didn't expect that it would come this soon.

Sana — her half-sister is now in front of her. Mina hated this woman. Ever since the palace was in need of a queen as the king doesn't have an heir because Mina's brother was killed, these two have been on the top place in everything but Sana always comes second to Mina.

"What are you doing here in my room?" Mina asked, looking upset just by seeing this woman again. She knew that her presence meant bad news.

Where is Chaeyoung? How could she let this woman in here?

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