22: So Much You Don't Know

Start from the beginning

As ashamed as he was to admit it, Chiharu had gotten used to him too. He didn't like him or tolerate him. Totally not. At All. But Touya was a permanent fixture. He was his pseudo brother's boyfriend

But he was also a villain and probably a murderer. He burned the shit out of Haru's teacher, the only person who had noticed how he was struggling after his parents kicked him out. 

Steadying himself with a deep breath he opened the front door. 

He was standing there, waiting for him. 

Chiharu gritted his teeth glaring at the man in front of him. 

"Haru I can explain-" 

The boy didn't even flinch or stop. His fist collided with Touya's face before the man could even finish. 

Blood exploded from his nose. 

"Who gave you the right?" He asked as Touya stumbled back, clearly shocked. "Who gave you the right to lie to him like that?! He loved you!". 

Haru swung again but Touya caught it with one hand, although it was shaky and desperate. His other hand was clutching his nose. 

"Haru I need you to calm down so I can explain-" "Don't call me that!" The teen shouted, shoving the man back. 

"Is this why you're dating him?" The boy asked hysterically, "So you can stalk him? Track him? Or is it so you had access to a U.A student?!". Without his permission tears gathered in the corners of his eyes. 

"Touya what the fuck are you-" Keigo said, rushing into the room from the training room. He stopped when he saw the scene in front of him. "Haru!" He said, rushing towards them.

"Could everyone please calm the fuck down!" Touya grumbled, still clutching his nose. 

"You tried to kill me and my friends, of course I can't calm down!" Haru shouted, "Keigo, he's a member of the league of villains! You need to get him out of here-call the police-do something!". 

Instead of moving to attack the man, Keigo just ran up to the teen and threw his arms around him. His wings moved to shelter both of them from the outside world. 

"I know." He said, his voice soft but resolute. Honest but sad. Chiharu felt like someone had dumped a bucket of ice water on his head.

 "What....?" The teen mumbled, pulling back so he could look the hero in the eyes. 

"I know, Haru. I know he's a member of the league." Keigo said. A million emotions flashed across Chiharu's face in the moment but the one that won out and stayed was betrayal. 

Chiharu had such honest eyes. He couldn't hide a thing. Keigo felt his heart shatter into a million pieces at the sight of someone he loved so much looking at him like that. 

"He's a double agent." The hero explained, "He's a good guy, he just has to pretend to be bad. Its not-that's not who he is, Haru.". He was desperate to have the boy understand. He couldn't lose Chiharu. 

"And you trust him?" The boy hissed. Keigo nodded, absolutely honest and sure in his decision. Chiharu hesitated for several minutes. He just stood there, like he wasn't sure how to compute everything. 

"You let him kidnap my classmate? What did Bakugou do to deserve this?" Haru asked finally. How could Keigo just let that happen? 

"I had to. He wont be hurt, I promise." The hero assured him, "Its just to get them to trust him, I promise. Bakugou will be fine.". 

"You're sure?" Haru asked, "You promise?". 

"I promise." Keigo said, breathing a sigh of relief. Chiharu pulled him into a tight hug. 

"I hope you're right about him." The boy whispered, sounding like he was on the verge of tears. 

"I am." Keigo replied. "Who knows, maybe now that you know about his big secret you might get along a little better." He teased. 

"That's not going to happen." Haru said, laughing wetly. Keigo let his wings return to their normal position and light flooded their eyes. 

"Are you gonna try to beat me up again?" Touya asked. He had gotten some tissues and shoved them up his nose while they were having their conversation. 

"Maybe." Chiharu said teasingly. Touya huffed out a laugh. 

"You know normally I would say 'bring it on' but you've got a mean right hook kid. Damn." The man said, combing his hand through his hair. "You sure you don't have super strength.". 

"Yes I'm sure." Chiharu said, rolling his eyes. "Why does everyone think I have super strength? I'm just stronger than the average person because my brain doesn't stop me from lifting things that are too heavy, or using so much force I'd break my knuckles.". 

"Kid, you threw a bookshelf at a spider last week." Keigo said with a laugh. 

"That's normal."Haru protested. "No, its not." The pair said in unison. 

"I'm taking you to a specialist after this mess." Keigo sighed. "For now why don't we-and by we I mean Touya-answer some of your questions? This is confusing, I know but I'll try to make it better for you.". 

Haru nodded and the trio sat down at the table, readying themselves for a long conversation. There were really only a handful of questions Chiharu actually had about being a double agent. 

And at the top of list there was the location of the league's hide out. 

He was getting his classmate back. 


I had so many scenarios in mind when I started writing Chiharu coming home to a league member in his house, but I think breaking Dabi's nose was really the way to go. 

Its equal parts emotional and comical. 

Also slowly, ever so slowly, they're getting a better family dynamic. 😊 Haru's gonna have two overbearing mama birds pretty soon. 

Shoto's crush is honestly so wholesome. He's just a little baby gay who's still figuring everything out but also is hopelessly infatuated with his classmate 😅

Its an interesting dynamic to have because it doesn't really look like Shoto has much of a chance. Haru's liked Izuku for a decade at this point. But Izuku's sexuality isn't really clear. He's attracted to Uraraka, but he's just confused when it comes to Haru. 

Anyways Stay Tuned! 

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