22: So Much You Don't Know

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Chiharu stared at the empty seat beside him on the bus and sighed. Izuku had been taken back to Masutafu in a hospital an hour earlier. His arms were a priority, especially after all the damage they endured at the sports festival. 

But now Haru was sitting on the bus back to Masutafu alone. Well, not exactly. There were a few people from his class scattered around but anyone who had sustained major injuries left on the earlier bus. Only those deemed 'fine' remained. 

Luckily enough Chiharu only had bruised ribs and some muscle soreness. Once again, his quirk was really coming in handy. Any other person would have been pulled clean in half. 

"Are you alright, Iwamoto?" Todoroki asked, startling the teen out of his daze. The boy smiled a little sheepishly. 

"I guess so." He replied. Todoroki's brow furrowed. 

"You haven't slept, have you?". He hit the nail on the head. Todoroki knew he had too, from the way Chiharu's small smile faltered. "Here, come sit next to me.". 

Hesitantly Chiharu obliged. Todoroki handed him his sweater, wrapping it around the boy's shoulders. It was pretty big on Haru, and there was something deep and affectionate in Todoroki's eyes as he noticed that. 

"T-thank you." The teen mumbled, his cheeks going bright red. This was the high school romance stuff he saw on tv. In movies. Exactly this. 

A question popped into Haru's head as he relaxed into the seat, tightening his grip on the warm red sweater. Was Todoroki gay? 

He hadn't really thought about it before. He hadn't met many other gay people. Keigo was really the first 'out' person he had interacted with. 

But maybe Todoroki was gay. And maybe he liked Haru. But there was no way that was possible! He wasn't big and muscly or tiny and cute. He was somewhere in that boyish middle ground. Awkward and gangly with a lot of growing left to do. 

As his head swam with question after question about why Todoroki, probably the most conventionally handsome guy in his class, was acting like this towards him. There was no way he liked him. Absolutely no way. 

While his brain worked full tilt on exactly zero hours of sleep, Haru didn't notice as he slowly drifted off to sleep. Todoroki did though, because he Haru's head meet his shoulder. The teen blushed furiously, trying to keep it cool and not set anything on fire. 

Shoto tried shifting into a different position, not quite sure he could handle a whole bus ride of Haru softly nuzzling into his shoulder but he couldn't. The moment he tried Chiharu's brow furrowed, like he was about to wake up. 

He needed sleep so Shoto just sat there, trying his best not to move. 

------- -------- ---------- -------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 

The teen stood in front of his front door, unable to make the move to open the door. 'Dabi' hadn't been captured last night, he was still at large. But he didn't know if Keigo knew that his boyfriend was running around trying to kill children. 

Yeah, Haru had learned about him during the police interviews. The security camera footage was pretty damming. He wasn't even wearing a mask. 

For some godforsaken reason, Chiharu hadn't spoken up about it. The police were all busy securing evidence and dealing with the villains they had captured. Add the fact that a child was missing and he would have had to force an officer to listen to him. 

Still, he should have. Because there was nothing he had dreaded more in his life than the thought that he would enter that apartment and Touya would be there. Maybe he'd be sitting on the couch, clinging to Keigo like his life depended on it. Or maybe they'd be in the kitchen, using Touya's quirk to quick fry things faster. 

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