"The real reason why I took the pill was that I felt like I was alone in this world" I decided to tell him the truth. We don't lie to each other. "Your parents are homophobic and when Martha told me how much you love them... it's not like I don't see it but the way she said that you can pick your parents over me made me feel alone and scared"

"Wait a minute Martha as in my nanny," Jared asked confused. I nodded slowly "why would she tell you that"

"She knows so much Jared, she knows that you're gay, she knows that you're married to me and she knows Eva doesn't exist" his eyes widened in shock and I saw panic cross his eyes.

"How..." I shrugged not wanting to go through details.

"Don't worry she won't say anything" I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down as I continued. "So when she told me that, I got scared, I'm scared because if a day comes and you're to choose, you will probably choose them and I will stay alone. I'm scared of being alone Red, that's why I took the pill because I know no matter what this baby will not leave my side" I breathed in feeling a little bit tired.

"She was in the wrong baby coz if the time comes and I have to choose. I will definitely, infinitely choose you. I just prolong this because I need them around a little while, but be rest assured baby. This is forever" I smiled at him kissing him softly sighing in the kiss. It turns out Martha was wrong, he will choose me. This made my heart swell in happiness because it's all I have been wanting to hear all along.

"I love you" I whispered in his ear hugging him tightly.

"I love you too," he says back with a smile on his lips.

"A-are you happy that I'm pregnant" I ask lowly

"I have so many things going in my head right now," he says pushing me back sightly "I'm happy that the man I love is carrying my child....our child but at the same time scared. I don't know what next, I don't know if you will...." He trailed off looking away

"Nothing is gonna happen to me sweetheart, I'm perfectly fine" I say lowly lifting his chin so that he can look at me.

"The side effects are scaring me, you're pale and you look like a walking zombie" he says fear and concern in his voice.

"We will pass through this if we have each other like we always do baby. You need to be strong for me, this is not going anywhere and I need you to be here with me because I'm scared too" I say a tear sliding down. I might act tough but I'm scared. What if I die, I'm really scared of death and the way I feel isn't good at all.

"Yeah, you're right. No more negativity, I'm going to be strong for both of us"

"That's the spirit baby" he wiped my tears away. "Baby..." he hummed putting his forehead against mine caressing my cheek. "We're having a baby of our own," I say smiling at him.

"Yes we are," he says with a big grin passing his hand inside my shirt caressing my stomach, I put mine on his hand smiling at him. "We're going to be dads, my love"

"Yes, sweetheart," I say

"I can't believe it"

"Me neither but feeling my stomach this hard is fantastic to know that a person is growing inside of me," I say

"Don't say hard"

"And why is that" I smirked at him.

"It's like you're saying a hard dick"

"Don't be naughty Jar"

"You know I like things hard" he whispers kissing behind my ear while caressing my thigh up and down.

"I wonder why people don't see that you're gay" I chuckle at him.

"I wonder too" he licked the inside if my ear.

"I have to call doctor Emerson.." I said tilting my head so that he can lick my neck.

"No worries baby boy, I talked to him already, he will be here tomorrow" I gasped at that.

"What? you called him" Jared lifted his head from my neck looking at me "I was mad at you but your life comes first Everett. I had to make sure of it. He will come and check you out" I kissed him full on the lips my love flowing too much.

"I love you" I whisper between our lips giving his moist lips pecks.

"Me too and he told me that you need to rest and eat. So tell me what you want to eat and I order it" he pulled out his phone looking at me.

"Chicken wings will do but I feel like I might throw up"

"He says it's normal. As long as you put something in your stomach that's what matters" I hummed putting my head in the crook of his neck feeling contented that we are fine now. He was here with me and that's what matters. He has agreed to do this with me.


Will Jared choose Everett like he said he would?

We will find out in the coming chapters.

Nice day to all of you all my readers.

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