Chapter ten

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Zainab's POV
It wasn't after 6:45 that I left the office for home. I had long prayed Maghreb so I had nothing to worry about beside my grumbling stomach.
   I hadn't eaten anything since the spaghetti and beef sauce and I didn't want to eat the chicken soup I got for Abdul.
I took my phone out of my handbag and saw that I had a number of missed calls from Abdul. I rolled my eyes and called him back, wondering what he wanted.
"Hey sis," he chuckled and I pressed my lips together. "What do you want?" I asked. "Woah, calm down. Just wanted to let you know that I have already eaten so there is no need to get anything for me," I said a silent thank you to Allah and nodded. "Okay. What and where though?" I asked. " Rice and chicken soup at the hospital," he replied. "You went to visit Mama?" I asked suddenly feeling guilty. I hadn't visited her since I started this job.
I have to visit her tomorrow.
  "Yep. Uncle Harry was there and bought burgers and fries for me," he said teasingly and I rolled my eyes. "Of course. Isn't that what you like anyways?" I smirked and he sighed. "Mama is missing you, visit her soon," he said and I sighed rubbing my forehead. "I know. How is she doing?" I asked and he released a sad sigh. "Not so good," "why? What happened?" I asked getting highly alert. "You just have to go and see for yourself," he replied and I nodded.
"I will do that before I leave for work tomorrow. Bye, I will see you when I get home," I nodded suddenly feeling my heart beating rapidly. "Okay bye, salam," he replied and ended the call.
"Mama isn't doing so good," Abdul's words still rang in my ears and my heart began beating hard and faster. I said a quick dua and performed dikhr as the bus neared my stop.

     Ten minutes later and I was standing outside our front door waiting patiently for Abdul to open the door. "Abdul!" I shouted again when the door wasn't opened after three minutes. "Coming!" Came his reply from within. "Hurry up! I'm freezing!" I shouted and shivered just on cue. I wonder what he is doing.
   Six whole minutes later and the door opened revealing Abdul in a hoodie and sweatpants. I gave him a death glare and pushed him aside to enter. "What's got you all riled up?" He asked with raised brows and I glared at him.
I dropped my bag on the couch and took my veil off before putting the soup in the microwave to warm up. "Hey, what's wrong with you?" Abdul walked in two minutes later and stood beside me.
I dropped the bowl I was holding and turned to face him. "What were you doing?" I asked with my right hand on my hip. "What do you mean?" He asked with a frown. "You didn't open the door after six minutes," I said and realization dawned on him. "Oh! I was in the shower," he replied. "You said Mama wasn't doing well?" I took the soup out of the microwave and placed a spoon inside the bowl. "Yep. But her doctor said she will be fine. It's just the chemo," he replied and I sighed with relief. "Alhamdullilah, I will visit her tomorrow In Sha Allah," I said and tasted my soup which tasted so good that I moaned with pleasure. Abdul eyed the bowl for sometime before grabbing a spoon and digging in. "Hey!" I protested and knocked his hand away. He hissed and glared at me. "You ate chicken and burgers. This is the first thing I'm eating after the lunch I had six hours ago," I said and drank my soup again. "You only have one break?" He asked and I nodded. "Yep," I let the 'p' make a pop sound.
   "Hold on, how many hours do you work?" He asked and shrugged. "I don't know, I work till all my work is done," I shrugged and walked out of the kitchen to the living room.
"So what did you do today," Abdul sat beside me still eying my soup. I sighed and handed it to him and he accepted it gracefully. "Thanks," he said and began munching in. "Mm, tasty," he moaned and drank some more. I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"I signed papers, scheduled meetings, prepared presentations, rescheduled meetings blah blah," I shrugged and he gasped. "Woah, that's a lot of work for someone who just started," he said and drank the soup with a huge slurp. I threw a disgusted look at him and he laughed and said sorry. "Did you know his sister gave birth?" I asked with a huge smile and he responded with excitement in his eyes. Abdul really loves children.
"Really? Gender?" He asked and I shrugged. "I don't know. I heard about it from Jared," I said and he frowned. "Who is Jared?" He asked. "The bodyguard and secretary of Mr Sanders," I replied and he nodded.
  "Did you make friends?" He asked and I passed him a knowing look. "Nope, and I didn't see a single Muslim. I think I'm the only Muslim at work," I said and shrugged. "Not surprised, I'm the only Muslim in my class as well," he replied and it was my turn to be surprised. "Really? That's shocking," I said quietly and he nodded. "Yep," he said placing the bowl down quietly.
"Do you get bullied?" I asked and he sighed and turned to me. He placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled sadly. "Zainab, there is nothing I cannot handle," he said and stood up. "I have to go and study, the exams is just around the corner," he said and I sighed and stood up as well. "Aight, I will help you study during the weekend," I said and kissed his cheek. "Thanks sis, goodnight to you," he smiled and entered the kitchen.
"Don't forget to perform wudu before you sleep okay?!" I yelled as I climbed the stairs. "Sure," he replied.

      My phone began to ring just as I climbed into bed to sleep. I groaned out loudly cause I had already done my duas and I was not supposed to utter another word again but now, ugh! I groaned and unplugged my phone from the charger.
I checked the caller ID and I almost jumped with fright.
I immediately answered the phone and placed it on loud speaker. "Hello Doctor, it's quite late. Is anything the matter?" I scratched my neck nervously, waiting for his reply which came after two long minutes. "Zainab," came his voice slowly making my heart beat faster and faster fearing for the worse. "What is it Doctor, tell me," I said in a rasp voice and he sighed. "Your mother she.." he began and I gulped. "What has happened to her?" I asked almost shouting. "She had a really bad seizure this evening and I.." Tears began to fall from my eyes.
"What?" My voice came out barely a whisper. "Please tell me she is okay," I was practically sobbing now. "She is okay for now. Honestly, I don't think it will be best if we spoke over the phone. Drop by at the hospital tomorrow," he said and I nodded. "Okay, I will. Thanks for calling," I said wiping my tears with the back of my palm. "Welcome. Goodnight," he said and cut the call after I replied with my own goodnight.
I plugged my phone again and lay my head on the pillow sobbing quietly.
"Ya Allah," I began with a breaking voice. "Please heal Mama, make her better again please," I sniffed and drifted off to sleep.

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