Chapter five

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Zainab's POV
Every time we talk it just hurts so bad cause I don't even know what we are.
I don't even know where to start
But I can play the part
I sang on top of my voice as I cleaned my room which looked like a tornado had occurred in it. It has been an hour since we came back from our little visit which has improved my mood greatly. I started doing a little dance while practicing shooting with my clothes and my laundry basket serving as the ring when Abdul walked in and turned off the music. I was just about to land my biggest shot when he did that so instead of throwing it inside the basket, I threw it hard at him and it ended up landing on his face. He grabbed it, threw it on the floor and gave a little shudder with a disgusted face.
I stood with my hands on my hips and gave him a disapproving look which he responded with one of his own. "I am trying to study, your noise is very distracting," he said scratching his hair. "You could have told me," I frowned with annoyance written all over my face.
"I tried, your volume was just too loud," he placed his hands inside his pockets and shrugged innocently making me sigh defeatedly. "Fine. What are you studying for anyways?" I snapped and he rolled his eyes. "Can't I study for no reason?"
"Whatever, just get out," I couldn't even believe I was arguing with a sixteen year old kid. I rolled my eyes and let out a frustrated sigh before going back to what I was doing but this time with no music.

I came downstairs once I was done with what I was doing so I could make dinner for me and Abdul when I found him eating noodles and chicken. "Hmm," I stared suspiciously at his food as I crept up behind him and tapped his shoulder gently. He let out a scream with his mouth full of food gripping hard on his shirt. I walked over to him and burst out laughing while he held his food tightly to his chest giving me a very deadly glare. I was oblivious or rather I didn't care because that was funny as hell. "Not cool Zainab! Wallah one day I will kill you," he said as I continued laughing at him. After a minute or two, I calmed down and took in a very deep breath to stop laughing. I had laughed so hard that tears sprang from my eyes so I cleaned that up with my veil and cleared my throat once again. I faced Abdul and blinked twice, trying not to laugh again but his face at the moment was not helping it. He looked as though he would murder me any moment.
"Whe.. where did you get this?" I cleared my throat to sound serious. He glared at me and sighed, placing his food on the floor at the same time. "I bought it on my way home from school," he explained stuffing his face with noodles again. "Can I taste it?" I gave him puppy eyes but he rolled his eyes and shook his head furiously. "I would have allowed you, but after what you did, I won't." He shook his head again and continued eating. I wanted to make a snarky comment but the food looked really good and my tongue was really dying to have a taste of it. "Come one Abdul, please," I tried with the puppy eyes again and he sighed and placed his fork down. He pointed his right index finger at the kitchen "there is a little left on the stove, you can have it," he said and continued eating. I clapped and said thank you before I ran inside the kitchen. I opened the lid of the saucepan and almost let out a moan at the delicious aroma of the food. Not bothering to pour it on a plate, I grabbed a fork from the drawers and dug in. I let out a moan as the flavors burst inside my mouth while I took a seat beside Abdul who was almost done eating. He raised his head to smirk at me as I continued stuffing my mouth with noodles. "Good?" He asked and I groaned. "Amazing! Where did you buy it?" I asked with my mouth full. "First of all, don't talk with your mouth open, that's disgusting. And I got it from a restaurant beside Willams Sanders Corp. the place you are going for the interview?" He raised his brows at me and I nodded because I couldn't really talk at the moment, my mouth was full. I managed to swallow half of the food which was in my mouth and said a thank you which he wavered off. I glared at his retreating back as he walked inside the kitchen to wash his plate.
After about a minute, he walked out of the kitchen with the bottom part of his shirt wet. He tore a piece of tissue to dry his hands whereas I, stopped eating and stared him up and down. He raised his head and frowned in confusion. "What?" He shrugged confused. I shook my head and got up to also wash my bowl.
I almost had a heart attack with what I saw in the kitchen. I placed my hands on the kitchen island and took in three deep breaths muttering 'calm down' to myself every five seconds. This boy isn't gonna be the death of me. "Abdul!" "What?" Came his voice accompanied by an annoyed huff. "Come in here for a second please," I blinked and stared at the kitchen ceiling tapping my foot furiously against the kitchen floor.
Moments later, Abdul's head shot through the kitchen window with one eyebrow raised. "You cal..," he didn't complete the words after he saw the reason why I was calling him. The kitchen which looked very spotless this morning now looked as though a pack of wolves had stampeded inside it. There were dirty bowls everywhere and the kitchen stove looked like it hadn't been cleaned for a year.
I gave him a disappointed look and he sighed and walked inside the kitchen. "I am sorry, I should have cleaned," he said and grabbed a napkin to clean the stove. I didn't reply and washed my bowl before leaving the kitchen.

It was almost 8:00 when we were finally done with every single thing we were supposed to do. Kitchen, homework, certificates and other files arranged, prayers prayed and finally clothes and other things completed.
I collapsed on the couch and grabbed the remote to watch some television. Abdul walked out of his room and joined me later on. "Did you know Tom Holland is older than you are?" I gave him an 'are you kidding me' look, rolled my eyes and turned my attention back on Spider-Man who was now swinging into a ship.
We watched the movie in comfortable silence laughing when necessary and throwing minimum jabs at each other.

  "Aight, I'm going to bed now," Abdul declared suddenly and stood up and gave a big yawn. "Goodnight," he gave a small wave and headed for his room upstairs. "Make sure you perform wudu first!" I called out and he gave a mocking salute. I rolled my eyes and shifted my attention back on the television.

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