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It was the twenty third day that she awoken in the house she had been living in for two years. The twenty third day in the bed that was supposedly hers. The twenty third day that she she felt lost and displaced because the people that were in the building were strangers. Whenever she looked at them, there was nothing she recognised.

Not the man with the blond hair and the striking blue eyes. Not the man the goatee. The woman with the flaming locks. The other one who looked at her with haunted eyes. The man that seemed to be a robot.

Their words, their actions, their names.. they did not evoke anything in her. No desire to explore, no feelings of safety, no feelings of familiality. She could only remember the past twenty three days that she had spend with them. Everything that had happened before those days, were one big question mark in her head or she had heard about it from the people she was now living with. All the days before them were gone. All eleven thousand seven hundred and eighty five of them. That's what they told her at least.

The fact that scared her the most was that she didn't know if she could trust them. Everytime she was around any of them, she felt anxiety. Scared. But she didn't know why. They were nice to her, caring, whenever they hugged her or touched her they were careful, tender even. But she couldn't enjoy any of the niceness.

There was something inside of her that didn't feel as if it was right. She breathed, she ate, she drank, but she didn't exist. Not really at least.

She had no idea who the woman was with the bandage around her head who was staring at her every morning when she looked in the mirror. It was as if her 'me' had been left behind at the place of the accident. Yesterday one of them - she couldn't remember their names - had taken her to the place where she was found. The tree that she had hit. She had gotten close to it, placed her hand on the bark. The barely damaged bark. How was that even possible when her head was so damaged and her car was total loss.

She didn't remember the road where the tree was. What was she doing there two months ago in the middle of the night? That was the question that kept running through her mind. Together with the feeling that she had to run away. If only she knew for what.

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