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"Hey bubba, Jin and Namjoon will come soon," Y/n informed the bunny while petting his ears. The bunny seems to not listened to his owner, though leaning under her touches more.

Three days had finally passed, today Jin will take Jungkook's blood sample to check on his DNA and such. Y/n keeps on pondering what will be the results, even though herself knew there must be nothing interesting. Jungkook's a very healthy bunny.

Astonishingly, the cases of murdered bunny stopped as a lightning. It causes for the three of them — Jin, Y/n and Yoongi — to be skeptical about the situation. Still, they're under the label 'wanted' in the city, not even a single police tactical units could detect them just yet. They have only found few evidence that indicated they're under 'PSK04'.

PSK, is a short form stands for 'Park Song Kyu'. 04, is a hint that they're in a unit consist of 'four' members. Park Jobam's son also known as Park Songkyu, Cheon Josong, Kang Yongsang, Lee Chen a mixed chinese member, are convicted former known for hunting hybrids since 2008, continuation from their descent lifestyle.

In 2011, they were sentenced for nine years of hunting hybrids illegally. Once again, they appears themselves in 2020 but this time, they killed only rabbit hybrids, most of them are stray and when they killed them, let's just say they did their job ruthlessly.

Y/n felt as if she's responsible for it, and determined on making another private hybrid shelter in the most isolates quarter she knew. She needs to safe every rabbit hybrids out there, regardless stray or not, they need to be in the safest place as they possibly could. That's the least she can do to rescue all rabbit hybrids.

"You love getting soft scratches, I know you do~" She pampered him more, petting his head this time. The bunny hop on the countertop in delight as his nose twitching.

She giggles but soon their moment come into a halt when they both heard the bell that's echoing in the house, alarming the residents there's someone or more people at the door.

Jungkook's long ears perked up, aware of the visitors arrival. Y/n stand up from the stool, patting the bunny's head softly before she goes to open the door.

"Good afternoon, Y/n!" The wolf happily smiles, showing off his deep dimples. The woman also returned the smile at the hybrid, giving him scratches.

"Good afternoon too, Joonie," She greeted back, lastly ruffling his hair. "And also Jin, come on in!" She opens the door wide enough for the two of them to step in.

"Thought you didn't see me," Jin jokes, entering the enormous house with his hybrid on the lead, as the house's resident assists them from behind.

"You're like- 12 centimeters taller than me, how can I not see you?" Y/n enquired, raising a brow at her friend.

Namjoon just chuckles at the two, he averted his attention on the bunny who's hopping down from the countertop to the floor hurriedly. The wolf opened his arms wide, welcoming the bunny as he hop in his embrace.

"Jungkook! You look healthier than ever!" Namjoon laughs, petting the small fluff hybrid in his arms.

"He eats a lot since then, I'm glad he's been happy now days." She say, smiling at the two hybrids fondly.

"That's very good, that's a relevant emotion for him as a bunny hybrid," Jin mentioned, putting his bag case on the coffee table. "So.. Let's get started?" He questioned, looking at Namjoon then Jungkook who's in the wolf's arms.

Namjoon nodded and sit down on the couch, petting Jungkook, although the bunny seems to get tenses up, Namjoon noticed that he tries to calm the bunny by petting his ears to distract him.

Once the sharp, glinting needle caught the bunny's observation, he shrieks and hop off Namjoon's thighs to Y/n who's standing opposite of the two. Jungkook hides behind her feet, shaking. Y/n gets worry amd crouches down, running her fingers on the bunny's ears and head to calm him down and it looks like it calmed him slightly.

Jin aren't going to be pushy about getting Jungkook's blood sample, he always needed to get his patients calm first before he does anything.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry but Jin need to take your blood sample for examination and your health purpose, please? Do it for me, or not, do it for anyone that means a lot to you." She convinced, sliding her index down on his nose.

The bunny just close his eyes with his bunny paws. Y/n nodded at Jin, signaling him that Jungkook's getting ready. The bunny's ears perked up when he feels the needle inserting his artery but didn't make any noise. After Jin finished, he mend the spot where he injected Jungkook.

The bunny slowly hop away, laying on the couch with his ears flat down in hunching posture, the bunny's eyes closed, not wanting to focus with his surrounding.

The sight of devastated bunny disappointed Y/n a lot, Jin feels guilty but he had to do what he got to do. The two human didn't noticed that Namjoon shifted into wolf form, the tamed predator goes to Jungkook, laying his chin down on the couch as his ears flattened sadly, whimpering.

"I'll go now to examine the blood, do you perhaps want to tag along? We can leave the boys here as they interact with each other in animal form," Jin suggests and received a brief nod from Y/n.

"I will go to the boys first and tell them about it," She say, walking away and approach the two hybrids. "Me and Jin have to go to the hospital and will be back as soon as possible, okay?" She gives one last pet on the hybrids' head.


Jungkook opened his eyes and look around, he spotted the wolf but not the owners. He taps the wolf's nose with his bunny paw to get Namjoon's attention.

The wolf woke up from a short nap, he feels like he slept for a good half an hour. Namjoon look at Jungkook and then straightened up his posture, looking down at the rabbit.

Although, the two of them diverted their heads to the direction of the window that isn't far from them. The glasses broke as people in black gets in, like a robbery but not.

Namjoon barks at them, trying to fight them off when they gets near to Jungkook and him.

Nonetheless it doesn't help, Jungkook got taken by another man while the other hit the wolf on his head, causing Namjoon to be unconscious.

At the moment, Jungkook tries not to get panic attack.

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