Chapter Twenty Four

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My Valentine's day special goes to a special readerdelouxeon. You are my first most loyal reader. Thank you for always supporting me with your reads and votes✨✨

" Hmm, honestly, hmm" I started fumbling for words because somehow at that moment I couldn't think properly or form a proper sentence. I was shocked, I never thought of it as a possibility that Tife might actually like me.

He chuckled

" You don't have to give me an answer. It came to me suddenly too, I have never imagined myself confessing my feelings to you. We have been friends for a while now and so I know your standards and respect them. I actually don't expect you to reciprocate my feelings. I'm not asking you to date me, It came suddenly and I had to let it out" He said and I nodded gratefully. This is just one of the things I like about you but I couldn't tell him that.

" Honestly, Tife you are a great guy. I don't want to go beyond that but just know Wura said that and if others have been telling you that, I'm affirming it. Don't inflate your ego with my words though" I said with a smile and he laughed

" And don't make it difficult for my heart by saying sweet words to me when you are rejecting my offer of love" Tife said amidst laughter. It was so nice to see him laugh, his laughter sounded so melodious to me.

" I didn't want to tell you because I don't want it to affect our friendship. I know things might want to get awkward but can we continue our friendship like as if I said nothing" Tife said

" Definitely, we should try" I said with a happy smile.


I actually left my hostel to come to Stephanie's hostel to tell her about what happened. Yesterday after Tife left, I started contemplating how to tell Steph. I just knew I had to tell her because it feels so weird whenever I think about it. Probably because She is Tife's sister and I'm also telling her I like her brother.

" Steph, I have something to tell you" I started

" Okay, talk" She answered without looking up from her phone.

" Seriously, I came from my hostel to tell you this. I'm not even saying it again" I grumbled and immediately she looked up from her phone

" It's not something serious right?" She asked placing her hand on her chest and I laughed

" No. You might even know" I said as it clicked to me that Tife might have actually told her but it's just that She doesn't act like She knows anything.

" Know what?"She asked, already enthralled. I paused for a minute before asking her.

" Did Tife tell you anything?" I asked. With her facial expression I was certain Tife didn't tell her anything.

" What happened to Tife" She asked looking confused

" Okay, the thing is that Tife told me that He likes me" I said slowly so that she could digest my words slowly.

" Which Tife, my brother" She asked looking shocked

" Which other Tife do we know silly" I responded with a little laugh

" Jesus, Blessed redeemer" She shouted

" Don't shout. Someone can't tell you something and expect you to react like a normal human being" I said as I attempted to cover her mouth with my hands. She was really acting funny and dramatically.

" It has never occured to me that Tife likes you. How come I didn't know or notice anything about this" She said as she picked up her phone

" What do you want to do" I said pointing to the phone she was holding

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