ㅤㅤㅤ007ㅤbad thoughts creeping in.

Start from the beginning

"Why did you pick zombies?" Yijae suddenly brought up still stuck on the question from before. "Because they're easier to deal with." Cheong-san shrugged his shoulders. "You?" He asked, "Same reason." She smiled, he bought it.

"So what did they say?" Cheong-san approached their teacher, "Soyang's coming out but he said he'd stay the full hour." As on cue, Soyang came stumbling out and into Yijae. "You look extra breeda─" She whispered with a smug face.

"You pervert!" Yijae scolded Soyang, which They had one friend back. "I'll go in." Cheong-san decided, "Why would you go?" Jimin questioned, "If anyone should, it's Nayeon." She suggested.

"I agree!" Soyang nodded, "Why should I?" Nayeon replied defensively, "He's like this because of you." Jimin shouted, "It's okay." Yijae and Onjo held Jimin back. "What did I do?" Nayeon replied ignorantly, "Like you don't know?" Jimin scoffed, "Was it wrong to suspect him?" Nayeon continued defending herself.

"You did too, everyone did. It wasn't just me." Nayeon pointed out, Yijae let go of Jimin. Yijae suspected Gyeong-su too, she was just as terrible as Nayeon. "I always believed him." Cheong-san answered, "Me too." Soyang nodded.

"Well I didn't, but I didn't insult him like you did." Jimin replied, everyone could agree that Nayeon went too far. "Why are you picking on me?"

"Like you did with Gyeong-su." Soyang smiled, "That's enough. You remember your promise, right? After thirty minutes you'd apologize." Miss Park reminded Nayeon. "It's been thirty minutes." She continued.

Nayeon got up and went in. They couldn't hear anything that was being said. The two conversed, "Yijae what's wrong?" Soyang asked, holding her friends face in her hands. "Nothing." She got out of Soyang's hold.

Nayeon came back out ── Gyeong-su ran out as well with intent to strangle the girl. He mumbled curses at her as the girl stood still and looked at him with her blank expression. He explained the situation.

"Nayeon is such a bitch." Soyang too wanted to strangle her, but instead she complained to Yijae. Nayeon was bombarded with complaints, scoldings from their teacher. Yijae refrained Soyang from doing anything ── Soyang was exactly one curse word away from beating the shit out of Nayeon.

Soyang wasn't particularly violent, she hated horror and action movies but the zombie apocalypse brought out sides of them they never had. Yijae could use that to justify herself, I'm not terrible, not as terrible as Nayeon, at least, she'd conclude.

"What if I'm right about this? Then will you finally admit I saved you all?" Nayeon craved validation, Yijae saw that exact same look in herself sometimes. "I don't understand. How can you still be like this?" Cheong-san was disgusted, would he be disgusted at me as well.

"Look. Guess I was right after all." Everyone turned to Gyeong-su, blood dripping out his nose. "I told you didn't I? You still think I'm wrong?" Nayeon went on. His eyes turned red, "Hey, hey. What's wrong with me? Something's wrong." Gyeong-su panicked, evident from his voice.

Everyone backed away but Cheong-san walked towards him, "It's not true." Cheong-san couldn't believe it, "Come on. Get rid of him. Get rid of him now!" Nayeon ordered the others, panic settling in.

"I'm not─" Gyeong-su tried to explain, "Gyeong-su, stay where you are." Onjo warned, everyone was slowly cowered away as far as possible. "I swear I'm fucking not." Yijae also found herself pulling herself back, away from him. Soyang just stood still.

"I've turned, right? Cheong-san what do I do?" Gyeong-su started accepting it, turning to his friend for something, anything. "No, this doesn't make any sense. Why would you─"

My Happy Place, ㅤ ㅤ Lee Cheong SanWhere stories live. Discover now