Chapter 2

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Surprisingly, Yazia was still alive.

    Yazia turned back towards her Kingdom for just a moment. She was a distance away, and seemingly safe amongst the shadows of the tall trees. But from there, Yazia could make out the large sea of flames, dancing and flickering around and creating a catastrophic demise to the remains of Sankori.

     She had luckily made it through the underground tunnels, and squeezed herself through the cracks of her burning walls without ever leaving a trail behind. Nobody would know where the Sankorian Princess had left in the night. Or why she had left her people to burn,and  her Kingdom to fall at the hands of Abingorian soldiers that invaded when the skies were dark.

    I have no choice.

    All of this suffering, for almost a century, would end soon. Although her brother Draven doubted her plans, she was confident that her decision to kill the King of Abingor would not only cease the war, but would also ensure that no enemy would dare try to conquer or invade Sankori again. Not while she was their Queen.

    She was losing everything. The crackling flames grew untamable in the night, lighting the land up like scorching sunlight. Wild screams. Screams of children, and refugees she had taken into her homeland, her sanctuary could be heard. Yazia swallowed and turned away.

    I'm sorry. I have to end this, or it will never stop. The War will never leave us to live together in peace.

    It was not a time to be weak--this happened all the time. Her people had died at the hands of humans for centuries. Humans were greedy, they wouldn't stop killing them even if she begged mercy. This only pushed her forward, to stop the suffering of her people that she had learnt to turn a blind eye to since young.

     Not only would she infiltrate Abingor and rain bloodshed on their land, but she would also take revenge for the suffering of tonight. For the night of all nights that her people had to suffer any longer until it was over.

    Yazia's throat burned. Her heart racketed inside of her chest, as though wanting to break itself free of the nightmare she was living in. She ran again, and darted through the forestry just outside Sankori. It was getting dark as she moved further away from the Abingorian flames that set Sankori alight for miles. Yazia couldn't see where she was going, but a feeling similar to fear, propelled her forward through the bristles of the branches, engulfing her in shadows.

    She confided in Draven to protect her throne the best that he could, but a sickening and unexplainable feeling gave way in her stomach, gnawing at her insides. After seeing the flames, Yazia thought that perhaps it wasn't that simple. Maybe she was wandering into a trap, or worse.

    Maybe that was definitely the last time she'd see her brother.

    Yazia heard more than she saw in the forest, such as the crispy leaves below her leather slippers. The sounds of their crunch was quiet, and overpowered by the thud of her heart. Large veins of roots spread across the muddy floor, and weaved into the ground. She pushed herself to keep moving, but all of a sudden the leaves below her feet softened, and she tripped. Luckily, Yazia didn't fall, but she felt the sogginess of the soil inside of her torn shoe.

    Oh, fuck.

    She scowled quietly, and for a few moments felt helpless. She was not dressed for such an endeavour to kill the King in her tunic and slippers, and the sudden realisation that she'd be taking this journey alone only weakened her confidence. 

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