Chapter 16: A Demon's Perspective

Start from the beginning

Angel keepers are drawn naturally to anything that has to do with celestials. She won't know what it is but she will know it's important. She reaches for it and doesn't even notice our hands are touching. A few seconds is all I need to prove that she is what I think she is.

During those few seconds of contact I'm instantly transported into her mind. She's trying to block my entry. She is strong minded like Seraphina. Seraphina hates that I can read her mind by touch. I find it hilarious because her thoughts are kind of funny and I like that I'm always in the center of her mind.

Ivy's mind is very loud and filled with strong confidence and opinions. Her mind is focusing on the book and her feelings towards it. Once she thinks of Seraphina, a flash of both of them at the hospital when Seraphina got in that accident replays in her head. It's like I'm there and I feel everything, even their souls connecting, making her an angel keeper forever.

Then it transfers to another memory of Vee and Phina fighting off those idiots that Vane sent. I quickly see Phina using fire power and then her mind fades away. She is now holding the book and tracing along the side of it. I never saw an angel possess demon abilities. It's unheard of and the only thing I can think of is that it's a mistake or there is something more to her birth.

"Wow this book is really beautiful. I don't know why I feel like I know what it is..." Ivy says. She continues to study it until she opens it and she squints and I can see her trying to read the words.

"It's written in an ancient symbol language. I'm sure once you get in tune with being an angel keeper you can understand it's content." I say nonchalantly. She nods not listening to me but then her eyes lit up like Christmas is tomorrow.

"Wait, did you just call me an angel keeper?" She says pointing at me.

I nod. "Yes, an angel keeper is the term for it. So, tell me, has anything strange been going on with you or Seraphina?." I ask her.

She shrugs pretending like she knows nothing. I forget she is a best friend first and then an angel keeper last. She will never tell Phina's secret which is a good thing but now I have to force it out of her. I need to make her show me her powers but I will need to show mine and share a deadly secret but I will do anything to save Phina.

"Nope everything's been normal here. Where is Phina anyway?" She asks.

"I can show you better than I can tell you." She gives me a funny look and I take a few steps back. This is probably a bad idea to do this but it's a faster way to tell her what's going on. She has to learn all this eventually. Surprised Phina hasn't said anything but I figure it's because she wants to protect her.

She stares at me confused when I raise my right hand up, palm facing the sky. I haven't used my fire power in a while so I might be a little rusty. I feel the heat in my body rush to my hand until a spark starts and I'm holding a fireball.

Vee's eyes widen and she steps back in fear I will hurt her. I step toward her to reassure her I'm not the enemy but in doing so the fireball flies from my hand. Vee closes her eyes and a see-through veil radiates from her, covering her whole body.

The fireball disintegrates as soon as it makes contact with the shimmering shield. Her protective shield is powerful as fuck. I do not want to get near that shit. She opens her eyes and the veil is gone but the fear is still in her eyes.

"What the fuck did you just do? Are you one of them?" She asks backing away. I hold out my hands so she can see them. I know now not to make any more fireballs but I have no choice. Seraphina's life is on the line.

"No, I'm not, I mean yes but don't be scared of me. I did it so you can help me save Phina." I say.

" Is Phina okay?"

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