Gone Forever or Not

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Ria POV:

It's really crazy. He thinks I left Meet's sisters in danger, and he is really upset with me over it. However, I felt confident in my decision since otherwise, he would have been furious with Jenni. At least the three mirrors allowed me to solve some mysteries. What, then, may the future mirror indicate? It depicts me in danger and Meet and I falling in love. Maybe it was just a prediction. I made the decision to start getting ready to go home. Also, Meet declared he would never want to see me again. But the very concept of it hurt me. Why, then, does it hurt so badly? I thought Meet was just a friend. I gathered my belongings and wished Jennifer and Erica goodbye. They attempted to keep me, but I simply fled.

Jennifer POV (She does not know Ashi as Ria):

My brother's sudden withdrawal from Meet has me furious. Hope she doesn't take it personally too much. However, my brother rarely loses his temper, so why Meet? I'm extremely disappointed about everything she does to keep me out of trouble. Poor Meet Hooda shouldn't have received a punishment; I should have. Even though Erica tried to warn me, I was the one who put the three of us in danger, and she is innocent. But may my brother and Meet get romantically affected? The future is always accurate and the mirror is never wrong.  I was reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in the living room as I considered all of these problems. My mother had brought it here from the other modern world, and it was my favorite. How does it feel there? I want to consider any adventure that might be possible. When I put down my book to look, I noticed a figure approaching. My first thought was that it was Erica, but she was at the library. It was Meet when I got a closer look. "Hello, Jenni. How is Erica doing?" "Erica is in the library with Dev researching the most recent advances in science. Is it critical?" "Yes," Erica responded quickly to my call by racing down the stairs. "I'm very sorry about what I'm going to do, ladies. I was able to enjoy my old character once more thanks to you girls. You have returned the Ria." "Wait a second. Who is Ria? "The caregiver Meet Hooda is not who I really am. In the Dresor Economies, I trade under the name Ria Hooda. I and my sister Avneet are orphans because our parents passed away. We are a poor family, and I am aware that I should not have been lying to you for so long. But truthfully, I need to go now. As soon as you hear that Meet doesn't want to see me, I know you'll assume I've betrayed him. I am sorry." No! She was unable to go immediately. We tried to stop her, but she just took off and never came back. Erica and I both felt depressed at the same time. Our only true friend was lost. But we do forgive her. All of this is my brother's fault. I sprinted to his bedroom and banged on the silver door with all my might. He seems worried as he opens it. "How rude of you to tell Ria to go! How were you able to treat her like this? I was to blame. All of this was done by me. Erica tried to stop me, but I got us into trouble just by being stupid. Ria left!" "Oh my!" "Yes! Right now, it's too late for you to rectify your mistakes. If you make a mistake, you may fix it, but the hole will remain for all time. Despite your regret, there is no going back and no bringing our friend back." I observed Meet fix his eyes on the ground. I started crying as I considered my actions and Ria's departure. The only friend I ever had outside my siblings was her. Mother was suddenly standing in front of the door, I immediately realized. I thought it was time to be completely honest with her as well. I tell her the entire story and all Ria had said to me. When I was done, she was stunned. "Beta! How are you able to yell at Ria? She was one of your closest friends." Since I had started to understand the bond she shared with Ria, I could see that mother was crying as well. Ria has always considered my mother as the mother she once lost.   The Queen had shown her love, which was something she had not felt in a very long time.

Meet POV:

It has been a few days since Ria left but like Jenni said the hole never left. I am left in despair and sorrow all by myself. It feels like a part of myself is gone but how is Ria that important in my life. It is not like she is my true love or girlfriend! Or maybe she is? I shivered when the thought came to my mind and threw it away. But then every night I can find myself thinking about her and wishing she would come back. Then they can eat fluffy cotton candy and ride horses in the meadows. I started to become quite reserved and hardly ever left my room. I wasn't eating much, and I requested that my parents cancel all of my classes. My sisters began to worry about my health, but occasionally when I'm upset, I lose my memory. However, I would never forget the pain I caused her. It gave me nightmares the entire time I was screaming at her or ignoring her. I made the decision one day that it would be best to ask her for forgiveness. I've even been known to smoke and get drunk while getting wasted and reflecting on my mistakes.

Ria POV:

Though time may have passed quickly, I've never forgotten the fun times I spent with my friends, the Queen, King, and Meet. But his comments continued to sting, and the discomfort remained. I frequently sobbed myself to sleep while remembering our arguments. However, Avneet was always there for me and offered me guidance. But she once revealed to me that I was deeply in love with Meet. At first, I believed she was insane, but later, I wondered if I might be falling in love. Even yet, I was getting worn out from my days at work, and the strain was only increasing. The other company continued to threaten us and issue dire predictions about the demise of our sector. Every time I tried to speak up on behalf of our employees, I was rejected. Although the linder sellers did everything possible to make us comfortable, nothing worked out. After a long day of work, I remember seeing Meet sprinting toward my direction as I was returning home. In the hopes that there wouldn't be another conflict, I crossed my fingers. "Hi, Ria. I sincerely apologize for all I did. I might have said something that I can't take back that really harmed you. Despite living without you, I felt lonely for a long time. Ria, I'm very sorry. Give me another chance, please." "All I wanted to hear was this. It has also been difficult without you. I really want to." He offered to take me along in the backseat and grinned as he did so. I stumbled and had a terrible blush. "YYY-Yes," he said as he took my hand and helped me aboard the horse. I tightly embraced him when he started to ride his horse really quickly. We eventually returned to the palace, where I found Jenni and Erica waiting for me. I raced over to them and encircled them. It seemed like I hadn't seen them in years. I gave Queen Sanaya, who was also present, a hug. After King Barun graciously welcomed me inside the castle, time went by very quickly. Who knew what is going to happen next!

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