Kitchen Talk

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While we were gathering the snacks on the kitchen table me and Tom were singing from the top of our lungs the lyrics of Shivers from Ed Sheeran. We were too occupied by dancing together and messing around to hear the doorbell, so Harrison went to welcome the first guest and helped them to carry the drinks they brought.

    When Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie arrived in the kitchen, Tom and I were next to each other, his arm around my waist and mine around his shoulders, swinging our hips in rhythm with the music. It was not until I heard a way lower timber than Harri's voice that I realized we weren't alone anymore. « You better keep her close kid, she has really nice moves,» laughed Anthony Mackie.

Tom lets go of my waist to give a small hug to the three of them. He then pulled me by the arm, surprised by my urgent shyness around them. He looks like a mother forcing his child to go and say hi to the guests. Of course Tom knows about my absolute crush on Chris.

« So, guys this is Margaux »

« Aaaaand Margaux is...? » started to ask Anthony wiggling his eyebrows

« A pain in the ass? Definitely. » he pauses, « my girlfriend absolutely not » mimicking a vomit gag.     I throw at him a napkin that he, unfortunately, dodged at the last moment. He then looked at Chris and patted his shoulder « Mate, you have some drool in the corner of your mouth »

I bobbed my head in his direction remarking that he was already staring at me. I could feel my face becoming red as fuck, Chris didn't break eye contact directly and playfully rolled his eyes at Tom's comment. Was he looking at me since the beginning? I was too focus on fidgeting my fingers of anxiousness to realize.

« Fuck off Holland! And I am in a relationship, remember ? » I raised my middle finger to him.

« Oh c'mon this guy is clearly the biggest dickhead on this planet » shot Tom back

« Maybe but I am still involved with him ». I let out a big sigh and sat on one of the kitchen chairs.

« Whatever you say, darling » he kissed my forehead, knowing that he shouldn't push it more since I am really suffering from the situation. « I am going to welcome the others with Harry, you just enjoy yourself and do absolutely nothing ». He pointed a finger at the guys and said with a threatening voice. « You three take care of her! Don't let her overthink and the most important point if one of you is mean to her or hurt her in any way, I'll whoop your ass ». He one more time kissed my cheek and with that he was gone

    I know Tom, Luna and Harry are right about Julien, but I can't help it, this decision truly breaks me. If I am completely honest, it's been a long time since I started loosing feelings toward him. But I always thought that it was because of the distance and having complete opposite life's style. The more this situation is longing the more I see the end coming, but I can't resolve myself to entirely leave. He has been my pillar for most of my life even with the up and downs, we have always made it through.

« You suffer from anxiety ? » asked Chris after a few moments. Still a bit confused from my own thoughts, it took me a few seconds to answer and realize that there was only me and him in the kitchen.

« Oh hum.. yeah, I do » I chuckled a bit and took a sip from my beer « Is it that obvious ? »

A smirk cracked on his face « More or less ». I frowned slightly annoyed, is he really mocking me on a subject like that ? As if he could read my brain, he continued, « I am not making fun of you tho, I wouldn't dare, it is just that I suffer from anxiety too ».

My eyes widened at his comment which seems to amuse him « Is it that unbelievable little one ? » cocking his head on the side

I am panicking, scared to have offended him « OH MY GOD!! I am so sorry, hum I am a very expressive person... No no no no it is not unbelievable at all!! » I could almost feel drops of sweat going down my forehead, as he wasn't saying a word, just looking straight at me, a smirk slowly appeared again on his face.

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