The Before

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« Are you anxious for tonight? » Tom asked me while I was drying my hair with a towel.

« Are you shitting me Holland? I am not anxious I am freaking out ! If I don't make a heart attack during the party, it is a miracle ».

He chuckled at my words and handed me a beer « Here, take this to smooth your nerves.»

« Oh, I think I need way more than a Corona to relax, Tommy »

    I met Tom on the set of my first movie, Uncharted, and tonight we are holding a party for the trailer's release. It will be uploaded at 9 pm precisely on the Instagram of the movie and ours. Although we haven't seen it because Tom said it is bad luck, I am pretty sure that's it is not the case. 

    It is my first project on the big screen; I can't believe how things moved quickly when I arrived in the US only 4 years ago. I spent around three years and a half playing on the show NCIS: Los Angeles. So I was already more than thankful to have this opportunity. But when I was cast and got the part for this movie, it all changed. Tom and I became best friends in a few weeks, and I moved in with him and Harrison 4 months ago. It was good timing since I grew a bit tired of my routine. Don't get me wrong, I love all my co-stars on NCIS, they were my first celebrities friends, and they indeed became family to me. But I am only 24, and I have always felt this constant need for renewal since I was a child.

« Marg' your phone is ringing! It is Luna » shouted Harrison from the couch. I started to make my way to the living room, when Tom ran « Pass me the phone, I wanna talk with her » I giggled at his excitement and let him pass.

« Hey shorty, how you doing? » I sighted in content seeing two of the most important person in my life talking together and getting along.

    Tom and I grow a strong bond during the last eight months of shooting. I am so glad to have him as a co-star for my first movie; I couldn't fall on someone better. I really apprehended to meet him, since we are really close in age I was scared that we won't get along or that he wouldn't talk to me since I am way less famous. I was afraid that the atmosphere would be not as good as NCIS Los Angeles, since I have always had a better feeling with people older than me. Anyway, now it is like our hips are glued together.

« Hey bug-man, I do love talking to you but let me see the actual super-star of tonight »

I grab the phone and plopped next to them on the couch. Tom popped his head on the side of the phone so that Luna would still see him.

« Aww after more than half a year, you finally admitted that you've love me. I appreciate it very much, sweetheart » he smirked at her.

Luna groaned at his comment and I just let out a big laugh « I DIDN'T HOLLAND »

« Too late, it is already engraved in my brain I will never forget it,» he responded. I smack his chest « Leave her alone or I'll beat your ass »

«I'll help Marg'» added Harrison still scrolling on his phone to find a good playlist.

« How dare you ?! » shouted Tom putting his hand on his chest pretending to be offended and pouted slightly.

« I am freaking out, Lulu » I finally said, getting my attention back on the face time. Tom put his arm around my shoulders in comfort but didn't say anything. I mean what could he say, he knows I suffer from anxiety and these situation aren't helping.

« Je sais Mama, je suis tellement désolée de pas avoir pu venir mais mes partiels sont la semaine prochaine » (I know Mama, I am terribly sorry for not being able to come. But my finals are next week )

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