First day at schpol

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It's Emanuels furst day back at school after getting the black plauge😟.

Emanuel walks into math class and sees the one and only boy he'll ever love. He's the alpha at the school he rules all. All girls drool over him. All boys want to be him. Except Emanuel he wants to be with him. Emanuel is your normal omega. No one really knows him he's considered lower than everyone. Emanuel tried hard to understand all the math lessons but he can only think about the alpha.

Soon while it's time to work on your own Mike, the alpha, walks over to him. Emanuel starts sweating insanely. He can't seem to control how he acts when he's around Mike. Mike makes him feel like he's no longer an omega. Like he has potential in life. Emanuel believes that he has a chance with Mike.

"So then Destiny said 'u bald headed bitch leave' and I just stood there jaw on the ground🤨" Oh ya did we mention Mike has a girlfriend named Destiny. Emanuel still believes he has a chance with this alpha.  Emanuel not paying attention to what he's saying tries to complete the math homework before the end of class. It's obvious mike wants him to pay attention to him but he doesn't want to hear about destiny.

Mike forces Emanuel to make eye contact with him. Emanuel can't help but blush looking into his chocolate shit colored eyes. Emanuel breaks the eye contact flushed looking back down at his paper. #omegagang

~ After math class ~

"Emanuel would u go somewhere with me 😉" Mike says. "Uhh ya sure dude where" but before he could finish his sentence more alphas came over and shoved him out of the way to talk to Mike. Emanuel walks away disappointed but understood why this happened to him........💔

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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