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"Bring her." a calm yet dominating voice commanded and the doors opened revealing two black suited men holding a hand tied, blind-folded girl by her arms.

The girl was showing no resistance as if she understood the graveness of the situation, and that rebelling would only worsen it further, as escape was not a possibility at this very moment.

The owner of the intimidating voice to order her presence, with a gesture of his hand made the two tall suited men let go of the girl's arms only to further alert her, and she realized she was finally infront of the one whom she had been trying to run away from.

She unconsciously gulped only to have a wicked smile sprawl across the man's face, who had been sitting in an expensive leather seated wooden chair. His chin resting on the back of his fingers and his elbow on the arm of the chair, as he witnessed the nervousness and fright in the demeanor of the girl standing before him, whom he had ordered to be found, caught, and brought to him within the time-span of two hours.

"You fear me, yet you still defy me?" there was a threat and a question in the words; that made their way upto the girl's ears, only to have her slightly flinch at the darkness of his tone.

"Where was she this time?" the man, calmly resting in the leather seated chair, questioned looking at the blonde haired guy of the two suited men, who had found and brought the girl.

"In a storage unit, sir. She had rented one for the night and was planning to leave the very next day." the blonde haired guy replied, facing the man in the expensive chair, but not directly looking into his eyes out of respect, or perhaps fear, as the man in the chair, despite his presently calm and mature appearance, had an utterly wicked and lethal aura surrounding him, almost making him the devil's incarnation.

The girl in question had been internally wracking her nerves about the possible ordeals she'd have to go through now, which will only worsen with time as she had went against the devil, without any backup plans.

Her only salvation would be death now, hers or the devil's.

"Do you fancy being chased by the big bad cat, little mouse?" the man questioned with a hint of tease in his voice, as he stood up from his chair, and slowly walked towards where the girl was standing. He made sure each step he took was loud and clear for the girl to hear and fear what was approaching her.

"I w-wouldn't be a mouse if you weren't so adamant on being a cat." the girl mustering up her courage finally protested, as she was at the verge of losing her mind from all these indirect threatening talks, and being not able to see anything was not really helping the situation either, as she'd rather face the devil than have him pounce on her whilst being visually obscured.

Within a flash the blindfold was taken off of her as if granting her wish, and after blinking a few times when her blurry vision finally cleared up, she caught sight of the reason for her current distress.

Standing tall and arrogant as ever, in a crimson suit with his jet black hair neatly styled back revealing his forehead, almost making him look like a charming gentleman, but his eyes, his sinful eyes gave away his true intentions, which didn't please the girl in the slightest.

"Empty the room." came the simple words and within seconds the room was vacant and silent, leaving only the little mouse and the cat in each other's company.

Everything went pin-drop silent and one would wonder if this was the silence teachers demanded with a population of fifty students in one room.

The girl stared back at the man, standing infront of her at a little distance, as she tried to maintain eye contact, trying to not show an ounce of weakness.

If standing against him and for her liberty is the last thing she does then she'll do it, thought the girl as she kept her eye contact despite her body's urge to crumble up and disappear into thin air.

"You've gotten bolder or more vacuous is something I'm trying to figure out." said the charming devil as he slightly licked the side of his lips making them a little wet.

"Tell me Ava, do you not wish to live? Or, perhaps you wish for me to personally discipline you." he spoke raising one eyebrow, his diabolical intentions clearly visible through his demeanour as he came even closer to Ava and was now towering over her.

Hearing him say her name, and the closeness of his broad and strong body against her, made her have shivers run through her spine, she wanted to stab him with something but at the same time his captivating gaze had locked her in place, not because of being charmed by it, but out of fear, fear that she had fallen back into the pit of hell she had so desperately crawled out of, risking everything.

"My w-wish to live was the reason I escaped." Ava replied trying to sound strong and unafraid, but the little trembling in her voice gave away her secret, secret that she was at her wits end out of anger, fear, and hatred, and all these emotions associated with a single being; the man who stood right before her.

His body slowly moved even closer that Ava feared he might even hear the wild pounding of her heart in her chest at this rate.

His emerald eyes as if had turned darker and his stare as if deeper, almost deep enough to see right through her.

He leaned in, and Ava could feel him breathe on her ear as he tilted his head, and his face inched closer to hers. "I guess you have gotten bolder. But I'm afraid not in a good way." he whispered and a chill ran up her spine, making her snap her head in the direction opposite to his face, and hoping; that someone would put the blindfold back on.

Pulling away his head, he straightened himself back again, forming a little distance between the two and this time staring with a certain sterness in his eyes.

Ava couldn't bring herself to keep the eye contact going any longer, and decided to start a staring competition with the floor, as that seemed a much more beatable opponent than the man infront of her. Yet, she still made sure to have a cold expression plastered across her face, as if she couldn't bear to look at the man's face out of contempt, which would be true in any other situation but not in this one, as fear had won the lottery this time, but Ava was determined to hide it.

The loss of eye contact and the cold expression was a facade to hide her nervousness, was something that the wicked man standing infront of her knew. But somehow it still irked something inside of him, as if it was the final straw and the whole aura of the man shifted.

His jaw clenched, gripping Ava's collar he pulled it, bringing her face closer, and making her look at him in shock. "I guess you do need to be disciplined personally, little mouse." he whispered, making each word sound like a lethal poison taking over Ava's existence.

Auhthor's Note
(Don't judge too quickly sweetie, give my book a chance 😉🫂)
This was the first chapter, I'll try to be regular with the updates.
Be sure to comment your thoughts about this book, if you want more or not? Vote if you enjoyed it.
Thankyou very much.

This is a work of fiction, and is not intended to insult any person, place, race, religion or anything.
Any resemblance to anything is purely coincidental.
English is not my first language, so mistakes are expected regarding spellings, punctuations, etc.
Please, don't be mad at me, I don't have a thick skin but I'm understanding, so point out the mistakes.
Also, I'll be making up alot of stuff, including illnesses, meds, gadgets, places etc. So it's possible you might find things that don't have any reality, but hey, it's a work of fiction.

Happy reading

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