BloodMoon's Origin

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⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️

Heavy angst
Major character death

3rd Person POV

The sky was cloudy, rain poured down on the now muddy path as his feet beat along. He was in a panic, he'd searched everywhere and feared the worst. It wasnt safe here, no where was safe for them...if they got outside of the camp's force he couldn't be thinking like that. He just needed to get to the counselor's office.

He took a sharp left into a graveyard, two times the original amount of people were now in the graveyard. About 12 gravestones with familiar faces of other loved ones who've fallen. Through his blurred vision he saw the warm, golden glow of lights from the house.

IHe got to the door and kicked it down. Sitting on the couch was the son of Hades, he looked like he hadn't slept in months and he knew that months was a good assumption. Xylo's hair was long, his armor was rusted and his skin was dirty like he hadn't showered in forever. The son of Hades had been working himself to death since the monsters started attacking camp; he, Mitch and Mario were the only ones who'd see Xylo anymore since well everyone else was training for the inevitable or...well they were already dead. Xylo's head lifted slowly but his eyes widened when he saw his friend, "Cal? Wh-what are you doing here?"

"Have you seen my son?!" Cal asked Xylo while panicking. Xylo's face went bitter, like he bit a lemon, Cal knew he knew where his son was.

"They um...they left camp?" Xylo explained though it sounded more like a question, Cal snapped his head towards Xylo.

"Why did they leave?! Where are they?!" Cal stood a foot away from Xylo. Cal wasn't in the best conditions either; now that he was closer to Xylo, the son of Hades could see how red his eyes were from crying, how matted and soaked his hair was, how many gray hairs had formed in Cal's hair, how badly Cal had been crying seen by the tear streaks that were visible in his dirty face, how skinny and malnourished Cal was from not eating and instead giving his rations to his family...Cal looked awful.

"I...I cant say...they just left with Mors-"

"MORS!? YOU LET THEM LEAVE WITH MORS!?" Cal grabbed Xylo by his throat, despite being malnourished it was obvious Cal had some sort of strength in him, "ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID!?"

"Cal please, calm down-"


"I cant tell you, I promised-" Xylo choked out.

"BULLSHIT! TELL ME WHERE MY FUCKING SON IS RIGHT NOW!" Xylo's face was now turning purple, he didnt have the strength to fight back against Cal.

"Okay I will, please let go," Xylo managed to say, Cal let go and Xylo took a minute to regain his breath before speaking again. "They're at the temple of light...but it wont be safe to go alone."

"Then you're coming with me!" Cal grabbed Xylo again and dragged him outside. Xylo stretched out his leather demon wings and held Cal in his arms, Xylo flew off to the temple of light through the rain. Xylo landed on the sand and let go of Cal but grabbed his hands before he went in.

"Before we go's really dangerous in there, please dont try and get involved,"

"If my son is dying, I'm getting involved Xylo," Cal pushed Xylo out of his way and went into the temple of light...but oh how Cal wished he didnt.

Standing on the front stage was Brandeen and Daveed, infront of them was a horrified Lychee. Brandeen raised his claws then with a firey swing he brought them down, tearing through Lychee's skin. A glass shattering scream rang through the hall as Lychee dropped to the ground, Brandeen laughed maniacally and plunged his hand into Lychee's chest. With another cry of pain Brandeen ripped out a crystal from Lychee's chest, Lychee went limp the second he took it out. Brandeen shattered it in his hand, the crystal turning to dust.

Cal stood in disbelief but quickly gathered his senses, he charged into the hall and jumped ontop of Brandeen. Cal's mind went blank as he attacked Brandeen. The sound of crunching bone and squishing of flesh filled his ears, a metallic taste filled Cal's mouth, his hands were wet and his vision had gone red. Cal regain consciousness ontop of Brandeen, his face half missing. Xylo was trying to pull him off of the demon lord, "Cal please, calm down."

"HE KILLED MY SON! MY SON IS DEAD!" Cal cried out as he punched Brandeen's head, it making squishing noises underneath him.

"Brandeen is dead, destroying his body isnt going to help any of us," Mors spoke.

Cal glared at him, "YOU BROUGHT THEM HERE! YOU KILLED MY SON TOO!" Cal jumped up and attempted to tackle Mors. The death child grabbed Cal by the shoulders.

"I did no such thing, Lychee did this on their own accord," Mors explained.


"No, they knew of my resentment for Brandeen and Daveed for killing my father, they came to me proposing to sacrifice themself so I could kill the two of them. They did it to help save camp." Cal stopped trying to attack Mors and just stood, sobbing and clawing at his arms. "Now calm down Callum, I'd imagine you'd like to deal with Lychee's body, yes?"

Cal turned to his son's body, lifeless and drained of color. He stepped over and sank to the ground, he pulled Lychee into his arms and cried. He cried now the most he ever has, sobbing and screaming as he knew he'd never be able to bring Lychee back. Their soul was gone, destroyed, he would never see his son again. He held Lychee tighter, not caring if any monsters came or who saw him break down. His eyes hurt as tears rushed from them, falling onto his son's body.

Suddenly a bright light surrounded him. He didnt care though, he just wanted to mourn. Cal opened his eyes to see he was in the corridor of time, Khonsu standing next to an hour glass.

"Cal...I'm sorry this is happening to you now but it's time for me to leave," Cal didnt look up, he just kept holding Lychee. "You must take my role now...I know their death will weigh on you but it's cant keep time waiting."

"You dont get it," Cal whispered, his voice now hoarse from sobbing, "Their gone, forever, never coming back,"

"Cal," Khonsu kneeled down next to his son and hugged him, "Remember I love you dearly."

"I love you too dad," Khonsu pressed his forehead against the side of Cal's head and a bright light flashed from Khonsu. A surge of power rushed through Cal's body, a sharp pain shot from his back and he also got a skull splitting migraine. He closed his eyes in pain.

When he opened them he was back in the temple of light, Lychee still in his arms. "Cal? You look...different?" Cal stood up and carried Lychee bridal style.

"We're going back to camp. I need to bury them, now." Xylo nodded, Cal spread his new found wings and flew back to camp. He landed infront of the graveyard, he knew exactly where to put Lychee. He had Xylo dig the hole and then he placed Lychee's body down in. Cal looked at the gravestone which now shimmered and formed a stone version of Lychee on top, to their left was Dranne and to their right was Nad. Both of which were Lychee's closest friends. Cal's wings drooped on the ground, mud lodging itself within his feathers. Xylo placed a hand on Cal's shoulder, "You should rest Cal...this is a lot to deal with hun, would you wanna rest in my house?"

Cal leaned into Xylo's touch, it'd been a while since Xylo had called Cal that..."Yeah, let's go home...please..."

1,408 Words


BloodMoon's past, what did yall think? Would you like to see at part 2? Maybe something to do with Riccaro? 👀


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