Part 12: gay son

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Liam looks scared at me. "w-what happend?" niall says. He is standing behind liam whit his hand in his. "he had an panick attack and stared hipperventilaition. " laim answered. Liam turn around to niall and hugs him. Naill had deppresion wich you wouldn't noticed if you don't spend day and night with him. He didn't hurt himself like i did but he started panicking and his parents leaved him cause the didn't wanted a gay son. Then he started hurting himself whit graving stripes on his wrist and planning suiside. It never worked cause liam is always there for him. He tried one time when i was here. He planned it very sneeky and he was up in his room window open and ready to jump out of it to run to the road. He was ready to jump out but liam caught him and pulled him back. Niall cried for hours cause it didn't work. It was aready a month ago. Naill doesn't have treathments. Liam just spend time whit him and niall promised to tell everything. Thats when niall got feelings for the older lad. There almost the same age just liam is two years older.

Niall sobs in liams neck and liam whisper some calming words. The dinner is already cold thats for sure. "Harry you alright?"zayn ask. I nod and look at Louis. He is in shock. "o-oh im- sorry. I dont know what do say.. it was so scary hazz." i sit up and give Louis an hug. I love his hugs he smells so nice. "oke are we gonna eat?" alex says. I dont wanna talk about him. He is doing fine but he hate me in some way. "yeah oke just warm up the food." Alex nods and leaves. "i never liked him." Zayn whispers. We all laugh.

'im hungry can we eat to? and lou.. sorry for saying those words i didn't mean to.' Louis nods and says it's fine if i let him sleep whit me. I smile and nods happily. "soo food!!"niall says happy. Liam laughs and walks whit the irish lad to the table. Louis and i follow and zayn is walking behind us.

The food is done and i look at Louis who is staring at his food and then he turns to me. Our eyes locks and he gives a smile. "everything for you." He mouths. "i believe in you." I mouth back. He put some on his spoon cause were eating soup.he puts it in his mouth and swallow it. "eat slow niall you'll burn yourself." Liam laughs. "but- ahhh!" and yes he burned his toung. "dumass come here." Liam gives niall a glass of cold water and niall dips his toung in it. "you're suchs a little child aren't you?" niall laughs. "well why would i act grown up if i have you to take care of me?" liam blushes and niall realise what he jsut said and blushed to. everybody is eating exept me. "Harry aren't you going to eat?" i shake my head. "don't you like soup?" i nod. I put a disgusting face on and louis can't hold his laugh and spit out his drink. "eeuww Louis!" naill screams. We al laugh. "well would you like some bread then?" i nod. Zayn stands up and grab some bread and put some peanutbutter on it. i give a smile and eat the bread. Louis takes my hand under the table and liam noticed.

After were done even Louis eated pretty fast. We all leaved and got outside. "so guys what if we do a round and tell something about oursefs that probably nobody knows?" zayn says. "i'll begin. Well my secret is that.. i love art." everyone is socked. Haha kidding we all now that. "dude we knew that aready." Zayn act shocked. "we'll then... ehm my mother leaved me when i was about ten years old." He says like its very normal.

Liam give his a pat on his shoulders. "oke niall you're next." Niall thinks and finnaly says. "well you all know that my parents left me but they didn't bring me here that were my grandparents. I moved in whit them when i was sixteen and the wanted to put me away cause i'm bi." Tears are forming in his eyes nobody apperently know this cause there were all shocked. "niall being bi is not bad you know." Liam says. "my parents didn't leave me when i came out of the closted as gay. And i would never Judge you for that." Naill smiles and liam takes his hand. "well that was my secret lou you are." Louis signs. "i don't know what to tell. I tell you guys everything." Liam smiles and zayn laughs. 'oke just say something that you think we don't know." Louis nods. "i- i never liked my body. But im starting to like my body and i wanna gain weight for a special person." Louis blushed and all i can think of who is that special person. Is it me? I start writing cuase im next.

'these words that are on my body.. i didn't do them. My dad did.' Louis reads outloud. He looks worried at me. "you're own dad? Why?" he has tears in his eyes.

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