Something More pt.1

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You and Camilo have been married for over a year now. And everything was perfect. Accept you both felt as something was missing...

It wasn't a lover. You two loved each other more than life itself. It wasn't family, you both had loving families that loved you both lots. You had everything


Well... at least you thought you had everything. But one morning when you woke up and immediately ran to the bathroom and threw up...

You realised you had thought wrong.

"Mi Amor..." Camilo started, "everything ok" he said as he rushed to the bathroom behind you, rubbing his eyes. He held your hair back out of the way of your face so it didn't get in the way.

"Yeah I- i'm just..." You said before throwing up for the last time. "I don't know, just a bug I think" you said and chuckled.

He nodded slightly concerned and helped you up. "Do you want anything? You should go back to bed for a bit." He gestured towards the bed.

"No, no. I promise you i'm fine Mi Vida." You smiled at him reassuringly. "Maybe I ate something that didn't agree with my stomach." You shrugged.

"Alright," he said as he then went to your closet to get some clothes. "I'm going to head down and then go to the village to help people. If you need anything, just come find me" He said as he grabbed his clothes. You nodded then he went to get dressed. You sat and brushed your hair at your dresser. He came out when he was ready and gave you a quick kiss before he left.

The rest of the day you felt fine and thought nothing of it. Camilo also seemed to think you must have just ate something, so you both thought nothing of it and just forgot about it by the end of the day. Until....

The next two mornings you woke up. And again, you ran to the bathroom. You then threw up again. Camilo then ran in and held your hair back again. "(Y/N)... You must be sick! This is the third time in a row" Camilo said with concern in his voice.

You were confused by it just as he was. "I don't know what's happening, Mi Vida..." You said before you sat up and flushed the toilet. "Regardless, I'm sorry for waking you.  You should sleep, it's only 6am.

Camilo sighed. "I will, and so should you" He said before hugging you gently. You both then went back into bed and closed your eyes. "Your staying in bed today" he said. "Your clearly not well."

You sighed in defeat. "Alright, I'll stay in." You said as you turned to face him before closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep.


You woke up a few hours later from the sunlight peeking through the curtains. You sighed as you rolled over, Camilo must have gone to the town. And since you noticed he was gone, you obviously weren't just going to stay in bed all day. You jumped out and got yourself ready. You went downstairs and were greeted by your sister, Elena with Isabela. "Good morning" you said to her with a soft smile. Elena and Isabela were the same age and best friends.

"Oh, good morning. Camilo said that you've been feeling unwell?" She asked with slight concern laced in her voice.

You nodded as you got a drink. "Yeah... about that." You took a sip. " I'm a bit concerned about it. I don't really know what it is" you said rubbing the back of your neck. "I was considering writing down all the possible reasons this could be happening"

Elena nodded. "Good idea. I can help if you want?" She offered sweetly. "Isabela is going to take care of Emilia and Diego anyways, Dolores and Mariano are going out for the day.

Camilo x y/n Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now