Valenties Treat

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Tomorrow was the day. February 14, valentine's day. And this valentines, happened to be the first one with none other than your favourite shapeshifter boy, Camilo Madrigal.

You had just had your breakfast, you went upstairs and got dressed, brushed your teeth and hair.

As you rushed down the stairs. You put a bag over your shoulder. You sat at your table and counted all your money. You wanted to get him something special because he deserved it. On your birthday, he went over the top and Luisa had to carry your gifts for Camilo. So you were determined to get him something amazing. 

You counted $60 in your purse. You nodded to yourself and then headed out. "Mama, i'm going to the market!" you called to her so she knew where you would be.

As you walked by the stalls, you saw lots of other people buying gifts for their beloveds. It made you smile to think about the happy couples tomorrow.

You had known Camilo almost your whole life, though you two were both extremely close, you still struggled when deciding what to get him. When you were younger, you were just unsure what he would want, now you were worried about wether it was good enough too. You wanted it to be as perfect as him. In your eyes, he deserved the world and more.


After wondering around for a while, you spot Dolores and Mariano sat down on a bench in the shade eating an ice cream, you smiled to yourself and walked over to them.

"Hey guys" you said walking up to them.

"(y/n)! Hey" they both smiled and greeted you.

"How are you?" Dolores asked in her normal calm tone.

"I'm not gonna lie... I'm a little stuck with trying to buy something for Camilo tomorrow." You sighed.

"Oh! Well I'm sure we can help you find something for him" She gave a warm smile.

"Hey, Camilo said the same thing t-" Mariano half said before Dolores put a hand over his mouth.

"Ignore him" She giggled and rolled her eyes and you giggled along with them.

"Alright. We will come with you and help you buy something for him." Dolores stood up after she finished her ice cream.

"Thank you" you replied gratefully.


After wondering around for roughly half an hour, you couldn't decide what to pick.

You sighed to yourself. "I feel hopeless; I'm his girlfriend and I can't even decide what to get him for his birthday" you slapped yourself mentally.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. How about you go ask Mirabel for advice? Her and Camilo shared the nursery for 5 years before he got his room, they are both very close too" Dolores told your with a hand on your shoulder.

You thought for a moment before you gave her a nod. "Thank you, both of you." You gave them both a hug before you headed to Casita.

You knocked on the door, a few moments later Camilo opened the door. "Hey Hermosa" he smiled as you walked inside.

"Mi vida, i'm sorry but is Mirabel here? I need to talk to her" You hugged him gently.

"Yeah, she's upstairs" He replied hugging you back.

"Thanks, mi amor" You gave him a squeeze before pulling away. He stood there a little confused but stood there with a warm smile on his face as he watched you run up the stairs.

Camilo x y/n Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now