The receptionist grabbed the card and before she could say anything else I was out the front doors of the hotel.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I remembered I didn't check for any available flights to Philly before leaving. I pulled out my phone and checked departure times for the nearest airport. The next flight to Philadelphia had been delayed and wasn't expected to take off for another 12 hours.

I glanced down the street and noticed a rental car company within walking distance. Well, it looks like I'm driving for now.


The trip home was long but uneventful. I drove to Helena, Montana before I dropped off the rental car and caught a flight out of the local airport.

I pulled into the parking deck of my apartment, got out and locked my car. I was way too exhausted to carry in my luggage. I'd worry about that later.

I walked through the common area and up the stairs to my front door. I dug through my purse for my keys. When I found them and went to unlock my front door, I noticed the wooden door frame was splintered and my door was slightly open.

Goosebumps pricked my arms and neck. I positioned one of my keys in between my fingers in case I needed to defend myself. I pushed the door open with my foot and took in my surroundings.

My apartment was trashed. My television was smashed, and my couch was upside down. I took a small step through the front door and surveyed the kitchen from a distance. Most of the cabinet doors were ripped from the hinges. All of my belongings that were in the cabinets were now broken and on the floor.

I took another small step and out of the corner of my right eye I saw a shadow move in the hallway. I didn't stick around to find out who it was or what their intentions were.

I sprinted through my ransacked apartment and out the front door. I practically jumped over the entire flight of stairs, my knees aching as I landed.

I made it to the parking garage and unlocked my car door. I pressed the button to start and threw it into reverse. When I looked up to put it in drive, I saw a man with a black bandana covering the bottom half of his face running towards the rear of my car.

I floored it. My tires screeched as I flew out of the parking garage. My hands were shaking, and I could hardly keep a grip on the steering wheel. I don't know how long I was driving for. I saw an exit sign off the interstate that said Westminster so I knew I was in Maryland. I took the exit and parked at the first motel I saw.

I walked in as the clerk greeted me with a smile.

"Checking in?"

"Yes, please," I replied while glancing over my shoulder.

He handed me a key and gave me directions to my room.

Once I got there, I unlocked the door and quickly entered. I turned around and immediately locked it again. And just for good measure I put a chair under the knob. I walked over to the window and closed the curtains and blinds.

I took off my hat and sunglasses in front of the mirror. I took a look at myself. My hair was oily and disgusting, I had mascara crusted around my eyes and down my cheeks. I need a shower.

After I showered, I got dressed in a clean t-shirt and shorts. Thank God I left my suitcase in my car. As I towel dried my hair, I picked up my phone and saw a text message from a number I didn't recognize.

Hey, it's Quinn. I got your number from Bishop. Hope you don't mind. Are you okay? You vanished at the club, and I just wanted to check in.

The mention of Colton's name made bile rise in my throat. I don't even know how he got my number but at that moment I decided that was the least of my worries. I swallowed hard before typing a reply.

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