It's playtime!

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—I don't get it. She's human. Emmett says, looking at Carlisle.

They are all back in the house again. After Renesmee woke up, she complained about a headache, but she was perfectly fine.

—I told you her blood was strange. The exams said she was around fifty years old, and I couldn't make it react to anything. Even if there's something about her, she's human. She can't be a vampire; it doesn't make sense. Carlisle tries to explain what he found, but he is lost in this.

—You said they left together? Jasper asks Seth.

—As far as I know. He knocked me out before I saw them leave. He talked to her like he knew who she was, but she wasn't acting like herself. She threatened to cut her own throat if I attacked the vampire. Seth is frustrated by this lack of information, but most of all, angry at himself for letting that vampire take Anne.

—What did she say, exactly? Jasper needs more details. Things are not looking good to Anne. To all there, she sounds like a traitor.

—The man said, "Get out before the bleeds to death," and then Anne changed and called him Raffaello. The cut in her thigh closed, and she told him she "couldn't fight in this body" and that they had to leave. Seth replicates the words he heard the best he could. He was very disturbed by how Anne transformed before his eyes.

—It sounds obvious to me. Rosalie said. —She's a traitor. When she couldn't kill Renesmee, she ran for the hills, and her partner came to pick her up.

—That doesn't make sense, Rosalie. Esme retorts. Anne is just a human; how could she threaten a vampire?

—No, it maybe does. Alice says, coming back to reality. —Now that's she's away from Seth, I can see her. She's inside a car, going to the airport.

—Where is she going? Jasper asks, wondering her final destination. He has a few theories, but they sound too risky to say aloud.

—I'm not sure. Alie says. —It isn't very clear. Her body seems to move forward, but she wants to run. I'm not sure if she's making her own decisions now.

—So, someone is controlling her? Sam asks.

I can't tell for sure. I can only feel her struggle and her future going two separate ways. Alice says, frustrated for not being able to have a clear view.

—I don't think Rosalie is entirely wrong. Jasper says, gathering his thoughts and theories in one. —It's obvious she was here by orders of someone to get something. I'm not sure what it was, but she got it from Renesmee. It makes sense that whoever sent her used a human since a vampire would have much more difficulty approaching us. I'm not sure he wanted to kill Renesmee, but I'm sure she wasn't aware of what she was doing. Now, the problem is what she got from Renesmee and what that means to us.

—I'm sure she didn't want to hurt Renesmee. She was devasted when I found her. Seth says, remembering how scared she was of hurting him.

—We can't know that unless we find her. Sam says.

—I have a way to find her. Seth says, asking for Jake's phone and typing something.

—How? Esme asks, confused.

—Brilliant. Weird but brilliant. Edward says, smiling but half worried.

—I put a tracker on the bracelet I gave her. He says, showing the phone to Jasper.

—You put a GPS on her? Even as worried as Esme was about the girl, she never thought about putting a tracker on her.

—I didn't know what would happen when she got her memory back. I wanted to be able to know where she was. Seth talks like it was the obvious move, not a concerning reaction to the possibility of the girl leaving.

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