Time to Choose

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It took me a minute to process his words. All right, more than a minute. Vampires. That's what I should open my mind to? I'm staring at Carlisle, unable to answer him.

My first thought is, "No." I look around, waiting for someone to burst into laughter like before, but they are all serious, staring at me without a word.

No. They can't be vampires. But Rosalie broke that table in half with her bare hands right in front of me, and Esme just stood up after destroying that fridge. I stare at my hand, wrapped in bandages, and I can feel it sting. This is too much. First, I have to convince myself to leave them, then I get sick out of the blue, and now this? I know what Rosalie did was impossible, but can I justify it with something even more unbelievable? Besides, vampires were supposed to be... well, weird and violent. They should live in darkness and avoid the sun, but the Cullens walk around like it's nothing. They drive, eat and just... live their lives like everyone else.

But my first words make them all move a little. They look relieved I'm finally speaking. —How can you be vampires? You're a doctor, and Alice runs a company. You all just walk around the city and have... hobbies.

—Well, real vampires are a little different from the ones on the books. Carlisle says.

—How different?

—We can blend in with humans and live among them. We drink blood and live forever. The sun is inconvenient, but it won't kill us.


—It reflects on the skin, and well... people notice. That's why Forks is so convenient.

—So, you drink like... human blood? I sound a little more scared than intended.

No. Our family is different from the others. We survive on animal blood and try to live like ordinary people.

He said others. Does that mean that are other vampires walking around? How many? I look back at Rosalie by the front door. She's still avoiding my gaze.

Well, we do drink animal blood, but it doesn't mean it's natural. Carlisle says, making me turn to him. —It can be challenging to control ourselves around human blood if we are hurt or haven't had any in a long time. But what happened to Rosalie was different, wasn't it, Anne?

His words make my body stiff. This is why I wanted to leave without talking. I'm sure I had something to do with Rosalie's behavior, but I can't explain it. They'll kick me out right away if they find out, or even worse. I can't tell him.

—I'm... I'm not sure it's all really confusing... Yeah, perfect cover. No one will notice my pants on fire right now. But, to my surprise, Carlisle continues to talk like the question never existed.

Now you understand? You didn't do anything wrong; we are the ones putting you in danger. We'll understand if you still want to leave, but please let us help you find your family. You don't have to see us, but we can't let you just walk away like that. Of course, if you want to stay with us, that's perfectly fine.

His words stir something inside me. I would've jumped head-on to any possibility of me staying with them, but now... I just need to think.

—But what about those people? I ask, remembering Tanya.

—They came here because it's against the rules to let humans know who we are. The vampires that protect those rules are quite strict, and she is worried about what would happen if they found out.

So they have, what? A president? A king?

—What if they find out? What then? Will they take me away or...

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