Sherlock is Back

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I walk back to my room, wondering what Alice has planned for us tomorrow. Cutting my hair doesn't sound like a bad idea. I never do anything special to it, so it's always looking very... meh. I walk down the corridor and stop when hear Seth calling me.

—So? He asks, looking excited.

So what?

He rolls his eyes, annoyed. —Your project. I wanna help.

Oh! That's right. I check behind him, making sure no one is there, and drag him to my room.

So, what are you working at?

I grab the box from inside my closet and throw everything on my bed with a ta-da.

He looks at all the items and back at me like he doesn't understand what that's supposed to be.

—They're presents! I say, grabbing a few. —See? They are fridge magnets, well minus the magnet, but look, this is a football for Emmett, a camera for Rosalie, a doctor's gown for Carlisle, and this is supposed to be a dress for Alice, but I still have to work on it. And, I made a magnifying glass for Japer because he's a detective, no? He's looking for my family and all that. Besides, I have no idea what he likes.

I'm very excited about my idea and quite proud of my work; however, Seth doesn't react like I hoped he would. He touches all of them, one by one, eyebrows mushed together.

—What? Are they bad? I'm pretty sure they are good enough to give as a present. Besides, this is the best I can do.

—What about mine? He throws everything out of the box and looks through all the materials.

—Of course, I made one for you! I laugh, looking at him, searching for his present. I hid it in a different place when I told him about my little project. I had some trouble deciding what to give him and Esme, but I finally decided on a scarf for Esme and a pair of gloves for him. It took all my skill and hours of internet research, but they are almost done and hidden away under the towels in the closet.

—What is it? He asks, smiling.

—I'm not gonna tell you. It's a surprise. I put the presents back in the box, but he didn't give up.

—What are you doing? I ask when he starts to look under the pillows and the under the mattress.

—Looking for my present. He walks over to the sofa, moves the cushions, and looks under it as well.

—You'll never find it. I cross my arms, very confident.

Seth walks over and stares like he's trying to read my mind. To my surprise, he goes straight for the closet, so I jump in front of him, arms open, blocking his way.

—Not here.

—Yes, here.

—You can't open my closet.

—Because my present is inside?

—No... it's because it's my closet.

He tries to go around me, but I block him again.

—You can't open my closet because it's a mess. He squints his eyes, doubting my words. I change the subject fast.

—I need you to help me with something. I push him away from the closet and sit him on the sofa. —Hold your hands like this. I positioned his hands up, palms facing each other, slightly apart, and rolled the line around them. —Keep them apart and don't move.

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